Christianity’s Morality Problem

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ImFree's picture
Christianity’s Morality Problem

Christians notoriously commit crimes such as rape, murder and genocide thinking they have religious impunity. They believe if they repent before dying they will not be held accountable spiritually. Christians think this life is an interlude before an eternal one and they can waste the earth’s resources. The earth’s resources should be preserved as much as possible for future generations, not wasted because of fairy tales promoting a fictitious after life. Their attempts to project and blame criminal acts on atheists are a desperate attempt to shift and hide the blame for the moral deficiency of Christianity. The world would be a better place without religion, especially Christianity.

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Capt.Bobfm's picture
I'm in total agreement with
cmallen's picture
ImFree's picture
Christians that accuse
Travis Hedglin's picture
Let me start off by saying
Pitar's picture
Buying Bridges (Difficult
Ilovequestions's picture
As a Christian, I'll be the
CyberLN's picture
It's quite simple. Humans
Ilovequestions's picture
That makes sense :) But in
CyberLN's picture
Oy. No to your first
Ilovequestions's picture
Well... all I hear everywhere
Travis Hedglin's picture
"But in our current
Ilovequestions's picture
Thanks! I agree with most of
cmallen's picture
I can see why you're a
Ilovequestions's picture
I apologize if my initial
cmallen's picture
You don't need to apologize.
ThePragmatic's picture
Ilovequestions's picture
Well, believers are afraid of
cmallen's picture
"Heaven will have a city that
Ilovequestions's picture
Hmm, for scriptural evidence,
cmallen's picture
Your conclusions and
Ilovequestions's picture
Thanks! :) It's been great
Travis Hedglin's picture
"There are so many things it
Ilovequestions's picture
My friend, I gave the "drug"
Travis Hedglin's picture
If you actually had this all
Ilovequestions's picture
I just told you why :) God
Travis Hedglin's picture
"I just told you why :) God
Ilovequestions's picture
If the Holy Spirit told us
Nyarlathotep's picture
ilovequestons - "I think the
Ilovequestions's picture
I'm glad I could make you
Travis Hedglin's picture
"If the Holy Spirit told us


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