Christianity and Islam both are polytheistic religions

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trustyoursources's picture
Christianity and Islam both are polytheistic religions

Christianity and Islam both are polytheistic religions that worship a pantheon of deities. They both have God, Satan, and Angels in their pantheon of divinities. Some branches also have demons, ghosts, zombies, jinn, saints, and more. Why are they misdefined as monotheistic faiths when they obviously are not?

Detailed explanation -

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Seek3R's picture
No, they are not polytheist
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Seek3R
Seek3R's picture
"Christianity and many of the
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Seek3R's picture
Yes, the Quran is cribbed
boomer47's picture
Asherah was part of the
Possibly's picture
With little change? I doubt
boomer47's picture
Perhaps a smidge pedantic:
trustyoursources's picture
And in Hinduism everything is
David Killens's picture
So what? This isn't the first
boomer47's picture
Judaism and Islam tend to
jay-h's picture
A purely monotheistic
Possibly's picture
boomer47's picture
Yeah; if satan doesn't exist,
Cognostic's picture
@trustyoursources: TIME TO
Possibly's picture
Cognostic's picture
@LEPER: RE: "Islam
Delaware's picture
@ Cognostic
Possibly's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Jesus h christ..who hasn't
Rabbi Mark's picture
Interesting how you mock at
Delaware's picture
@ Rabbi Mark
LogicFTW's picture
Delaware's picture
@ LogicFTW
CyberLN's picture
Jo, you asked, “What about
Delaware's picture
@ CyberLN
LogicFTW's picture
Delaware's picture
@ LogicFTW
xenoview's picture
Possibly's picture


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