Challenge for JazzTheist. You game?

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arakish's picture
Why do you think they are not
arakish's picture
JazzTheist: "You're simply
arakish's picture
JazzTheist: "And both would
JazzTheist's picture
Let's check wikipedia.
arakish's picture
My Razor has nothing to with
Sheldon's picture
"as I've said many, many
curtisabass's picture
Arakish. Love ya man, but I
arakish's picture
Thank you Dancing Fool. I
curtisabass's picture
No offense taken. Just a
arakish's picture
Thanks for accepting the
David Killens's picture
It helps that most of us
arakish's picture
To use a euphemism: Amen,
IvoryHoward's picture
Kreston's picture
I sometimes like to play
demik's picture
I have two grandchildren and
vtorosort's picture
Lately I've been playing
Wellst23's picture
Canada is one of the best
Orben's picture
Quite a complex challenge.
xoxosta's picture
It seems to me that this
kathleenkirvin271's picture
Absolutely, I'm up for the


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