Challenge for JazzTheist. You game?

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arakish's picture
Challenge for JazzTheist. You game?

My friends, please allow JazzTheist (Squidburt) to answer. Provided he has the courage.

What are the true Ten Commandments?

What is the name of your Christian god?


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arakish's picture
Well, JazzTheist, are you
Cognostic's picture
JazzTheist will give you no
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Awwww shit! I got the popcorn
Tin-Man's picture
@S-SOB Re: Eggnog
arakish's picture
Funny how they come here and
JazzTheist's picture
Just got home from school.
Cognostic's picture
Hasn't he been removed from
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cog
JazzTheist's picture
I see you're referring to
Cognostic's picture
Troll! More ignorant inane
JazzTheist's picture
1. I am no troll.
toto974's picture
@ Arakish
arakish's picture
They come here to challenge
arakish's picture
Sorry. I am tired. Going to
JazzTheist's picture
Continuing to resort to
arakish's picture
Oh, trust me ignorant and
JazzTheist's picture
Exodus 34:1 – Yahweh said to
arakish's picture
And you fail to notice that
arakish's picture
@ Jazz Theist
JazzTheist's picture
''Yahweh is NOT the name for
Tin-Man's picture
"I-yam what I-yam, an' that's
curtisabass's picture
In the words of the Moody
arakish's picture
JazzTheist: "And why can't a
JazzTheist's picture
Wow. Are you really sure you
arakish's picture
If "I AM WHO I AM" is not
David Killens's picture
I am who I am?
arakish's picture
@ David
David Killens's picture
I am busted, you have reached
arakish's picture
JazzTheist: "Only if you take
JazzTheist's picture
Why do you think they're


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