Can't people just be normal civil human beings?

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mykcob4's picture
Can't people just be normal civil human beings?

People like attention. They like to show off. I haven't any idea why they just do. So let me tell you people something (members of the forum excluded).
If you're gay, don't show me how gay you are.
If you're a male, don't try to impress me with how macho you are.
If you're christian, don't show me how devout you are.
If you're smart, don't try and prove it all the time.
If you're eccentric, don't be obnoxious for the sake of doing so.
If you're a redneck, just shut the fuck up!
If you're black, don't try and be the blackest person that ever lived.
If you're hispanic, don't shove your culture down my throat.
If you're white, don't be the biggest stereotype that ever lived.
There is no need for any of this flamboyant bullshit!
So you are something, and you may even be proud of the something you are, but YOUR something isn't more important than anyone else's something. Quit taking yourselves so seriously. You just aren't that important. Most of the time the thing about someone that they feel is so damned important and such a great attribute is the very thing that people can't stand about you. Not the thing that you're proud of being, but the way that you make it the most important thing in the world. I just don't give a shit, and most people don't either. You are who you are. We are who we are. Let's go from there.
Even with all these differences, people are basically the same. Yes, the differences are great even enjoyable, but they aren't the most important thing about even YOU!
I like variety. I think everybody does, but slamming everyone in the face with what YOU think is unique (and it's not) is just childish and aggravating.
I have a gay friend. He has been my friend for over 30 years. He always invites me to different functions. I go because he is my friend. It's never a date, just a function like a party. Most of his friends are gay. Usually, his boyfriend is there. I hate his boyfriend and here's why. At every function, his boyfriend tries to be the gayest thing that ever lived. Every sentence uttered out of his mouth is a gay innuendo. His superficial "lisp" is overly pronounced. He is so overt in his PDAs that it is sickening. he is acting. He is trying to get attention. My friend tells me that I notice it because I am not gay. I tell him that I think it is because I am not gay that his boyfriend is acting up.
Have you ever been around a bunch of rednecks? They do the same thing. My "cowboy" friend that also invites me to parties and such tries to be the biggest redneck at those parties. The racial and homophobic bad jokes. The ignorant country slang and southern draws. The sexism and objectifying of every woman he sees. The excessive drinking and the obligatory fistfight that follows.
It is absolutely ridiculous!
My christian neighbor can't seem to even keep a conversation going without some JESUS reference. It is EXTREMELY annoying. "I walk with god" bullshit.
Just yesterday she was telling me she couldn't decide whether to make rice or potatoes for dinner. She said "she prayed on it" and god told her potatoes. UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!!!!!
Can't people just be normal civil human beings?

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MCDennis's picture
I don't often disagree with
mykcob4's picture
I'm not suggesting to not act
MCDennis's picture
I don't often disagree with
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
i have to agree with you on
Pitar's picture
I had a similar conversation
mykcob4's picture
Actually Pitar, I have to say
Sky Pilot's picture
Birds of a feather flock
algebe's picture
@mykcob4: "Can't people just

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