Can an atheist believe in spirits

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Giov787's picture
Can an atheist believe in spirits

So as you guys already know, I celebrate a holiday known as day of the dead, a holiday of remembering past lives. So before I want to start this discussion, one thing I want to throw out there is the reason i use religious iconography on day of the dead even though I'm atheist is because, symbolism, and decoration. To put it in to context, let's say a person loves Greek mythology, and they get a statue of a Greek god. They are not worshippers of that god just cause they have a statue of it, they just like it cause it's cool. Same with Buddha statues. People who are peaceful like to have one around because of its symbolism, they may or may not be a Buddhist, but that's not stopping them from having a statue. Any way, getting back to the original topic of this discussion, can I believe in spirits? In the holiday it is believed that spirits of loved ones return home, and spend time at the altars made for them. I believe in this, and I believe my grandmother spends time with me and I'm happy. I know some might say I'm delusional, but I don't think so. So anyway, is believing in spirits good? Even if the evidence is vague?

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Randomhero1982's picture
An Atheist is simply a person
Giov787's picture
Agreed, I still believe in
Lee Wallace's picture
Yes - there are atheists that
CyberLN's picture
A Speyside man then, eh?
Lee Wallace's picture
Close - a Highland Malt!
Giov787's picture
LogicFTW's picture
As others have said, there
CyberLN's picture
Perhaps folks who have been
chimp3's picture
I think we had beliefs in
Giov787's picture
Daniel's picture
An atheist can believe
Randomhero1982's picture
As the other have said,


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Giov787's picture
Uh heh GOTTA BLAST! *dashes
Pitar's picture
Hobbies. Good to have them. I
Giov787's picture
Ok let me explain something
Randomhero1982's picture
They can indeed be debunked
Giov787's picture
I actually don't fear death,
Giov787's picture
And I mean there is too many
CyberLN's picture
If you are choosing to accept
Giov787's picture
... your right, I want to
Giov787's picture
And if it turns out ghosts
algebe's picture
Have you looked at the
Giov787's picture
I honestly don't believe in

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