It is true we inherit traits from our parents. Hair color, eye color, body type, music ability, artistic skills, athletic prowess, etc. It is also expressed by Richard Dawkins and others that belief in God could be explained by evolution. Some "traits" may be different from our parents but are also in our genes. It is widely excepted(with little doubt) that you are born homosexual(born that way). All this "stuff" is going on that makes us what we are. Belief in God may also be predetermined in our genes. Before you dismiss this theory although this is what I believe I am not alone in this "idea". It is possible maybe probable to a certain extent our belief in God or not is determined by chemistry in our brains. Some are more prone to God belief than others. I am a 10 atheist. What I mean I am not JUST an atheist. Belief in God is ridiculous, impossible, stupid, idiotic, dumb, etc. It amazes me that anyone could believe in an invisible man in the sky. I am a 10 atheist. My belief is so strong it is hard for me to imagine anyone believing in God. How is it possible to believe in God -the bible-the Koran. I know environment is a big factor in how even smart dumb people can believe in God. But that alone does not satisfy me. I am so sure of my atheism that I can't imagine being any other way. I was not indoctrinated to be an atheist. I was born this way. I am positive I was born an atheist. If I was born this way than others with a different "chemistry were born another way.. That way may be a predisposition to belief in God. I was born an atheist -born heterosexual-born with no music or art talent-can't sing either--born with a sense of humor-born with empathy-I was BORN AN ATHEIST-BORN THAT WAY---------
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