Bible inconsistencies

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AUS-LGBT's picture
Bible inconsistencies

Can you tell me the biggest bible inconsistencies, or any major issues, you have found so far? I've seen NonStampCollectors video Quiz Show (Bible contradictions) so I'm aware of those issues, but I was wondering if you guys knew about anything else?Thanks :)

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Nyarlathotep's picture
The bible gives contradictory
Joshua Martin Pryce's picture
There are no contradcitions
arakish's picture
Romans 3:28 Therefore we
srpostma11's picture
arakish's picture rmfr
arakish's picture
@ Joshua Pryce
Nyarlathotep's picture
Judas died hanging himself
srpostma11's picture
Nyarlathotep - You present
Cognostic's picture
The problem with snorting
Seanktoner's picture
In Genesis 1 man was created
Tin-Man's picture
@Joshua Re: "There are no
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Tin Man
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man
Sheldon's picture
"There are no contradictions
Cognostic's picture
That's not a contradiction
Rohan M.'s picture
How do you know all this? How
Nyarlathotep's picture
In 2nd Samuel, God get David
srpostma11's picture
This might be a useful link


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arakish's picture
@ mailman
David Killens's picture
"Ultimately, it is still your
Rohan M.'s picture
@mailman Wait, so sometimes
Sky Pilot's picture
Rohan M.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Acts describes Jesus as the
Sheldon's picture
What I love about Lazarus's
srpostma11's picture
Sheldon - If there was
Sheldon's picture
"Sheldon - If there was
arakish's picture
@ mailman
Rohan M.'s picture
@mailman Oh, except that
Cognostic's picture
Match the events in the
AUS-LGBT's picture
Thanks for that :) I'm


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