Between Islam and Christianity?

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LivingApostate's picture
Between Islam and Christianity?

No, it's not a question about the difference between the faiths, or the unlikely preference between the two, either! I'm wondering if anyone else out there can lay claim to having had the misfortune of being raised in both religions and/or experience of the two, as I. In brief, I was born into a muslim family and, as I found myself at odds with it from an early age, looked to other offerings, briefly flirting with christianity until I realized how much horseshit was being reshovelled. I'm curious. I have endless debates with family members from both camps who insist on my salvation through their religion and that I sure must believe in something?! Though they hate the fact that I am courting danger with my 'beliefs' (!) they still love me because I'm family, naturally. It doesn't stop them caling me what I am more than ready to accept; i.e. I am an apostate. And, if I believe in anything, yes, I do believe in my ability to reason and to weigh up palpable evidence. I also believe the religious brain must have a switch somewhere that can be turned off from lies, deceit and indoctrination, but I also wonder how religion continues to have such a stranglehold on people. I realize it is such a comfort blanket for people. I also realize it is 'just what we've always believed' as I keep on being told, and I realize that to admit anything other than belief is far too alien a concept owing to the fear that ensues at the mere thought of betraying their religion, family and friends. I know many on this forum/site will echo what I am saying here. It would be interesting to hear of your epiphanies or stories of religious shackles finally shed. Do tell. I'm all ears. Oh, and thanks for the site and all it does to promote a caring, sharing attitude towards common sense and freedom of expression. Cheers all!

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mysticrose's picture
Thanks for sharing your story
cookymonster1103's picture
Thanks for posting! It's nice
Zaphod's picture
No reason to apologize on
cookymonster1103's picture
First off, thanks for taking
LivingApostate's picture
Hey, thanks to you both for
cookymonster1103's picture
Even though I'm not exactly
Zaphod's picture
First let me begin by saying
Thermonuclear's picture
In a geographic area where
ginamoon's picture
Agree that on a family,
mysticrose's picture
At the right age, anyone can
SammyShazaam's picture
Interesting story. I myself

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