The Basic Message of the Bible

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hannahrose31's picture
The Basic Message of the Bible

Hello! My name is Hannah and I am currently a student at a Bible college! I'm enrolled in a spiritual philosophy class and one of our assignments is to engage in a discussion with three people and ask them what they believe the basic message of the Bible is.

I'm not here to be ugly or to start up a fight. I know that there are probably many of you who are college students so you understand how these assignments go sometimes. However, even after I give my presentation, I would be more than happy to discuss the subject further. I absolutely love having a productive dialogue with people whose opinions and beliefs differ from my own.

So what do you say? Can I get three volunteers who would be willing to participate in this? It can be done via PM or right here in the forum.

Looking forward to a healthy discussion!

Much love!




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hannahrose31's picture
I promise I'm not gonna bite!
rat spit's picture
Hi Hannah! Have you ever
hannahrose31's picture
Hey there!
Cognostic's picture
Ummm? Critical thinking
Sheldon's picture
"A theist capable of critical
terraphon's picture
Hello, Hannah.
hannahrose31's picture
Hey there! Thanks for
terraphon's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Terraphon: "Filthy Heathen
terraphon's picture
@Cog Takes one to know one.
Tin-Man's picture
@Terraphon Re: The whole
terraphon's picture
@Tin man
Tin-Man's picture
@Terraphon Re: "Still love
In Spirit's picture
Hello rosedjan
hannahrose31's picture
Hey there! And yes I am! =)
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Rosedjan
hannahrose31's picture
Interesting! I can see where
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ rosedjan
Cognostic's picture
Hi Hanna,
In Spirit's picture
I was hoping you wouldn't say
hannahrose31's picture
Wow, y'all are being awesome
Cognostic's picture
You will never be treated
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Rosedjan
Cognostic's picture
"Bible is God’s Word revealed
Sky Pilot's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Fallen's picture
chimp3's picture
I don't think the Christian
David Killens's picture
Greetings rosedjan, I hope
dogalmighty's picture


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