Atheists becoming Theists and vice versa

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Ramo Mpq's picture
Atheists becoming Theists and vice versa

Salam (peace) everyone,

Seeing that there are many Atheists becoming Theists and vice versa a question came to mind.
I have a question here mainly for Atheists, not trying to single them out or put them on the spot but, I feel like I already what the Theist answer would be. Theists are also welcome to jump in if they want.

Based off my understanding of Atheism (please correct me if I am wrong) for the most part, everything outside of science is subjective. So my question is how do you explain or justify when an Atheist becomes a Christian, Jew, Muslim or part of any other faith? For me as a Muslim, since I believe in God and an objective standard, the simplest explanation would be “he lost his way”. Please do not misquote what I am saying, I said that is the simplest explanation, I know sometimes it’s far more complex than that but, that’s the simplest and most brief answer without diving too deep in to the details. As an Atheist, since almost (if not everything) is subjective, how do you “come to terms” with what that individual has done or become?
Obviously, at the end of the day I am sure you don’t care and it has nothing to do with you and you do NOT need to justify what one atheist does but, this is a question simply for the sake of conversation. I personally know 2 Muslims that have left Islam, one became a Christian while the other became an Atheist.

In case anyone is doubting what I am saying about Atheists becoming theists and vice versa, a quick google and YouTube search will prove what I am saying. Heck, there is even someone that calls himself an Atheist Muslim, talk about someone trying to have it both ways.

This question/conversation is not meant to try to prove who is right or wrong, what religion is right or wrong or anything else. It’s meant to be a simple and hopefully a civil conversation.
So to summarize, since most atheists believe that almost everything is objective, how does one explain an atheist becoming a theist? Your answer could be a simple 1 sentence answer or it could be a few paragraphs, please feel free to answer it any way you see fit.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Searching for truth - Based
CyberLN's picture
“So to summarize, since most
LogicFTW's picture
@OP by Searching for Truth
Ramo Mpq's picture
LogicFTW's picture
@Searching for truth
Bob Lawson's picture
LogicFTW's picture
@Bob L.
Bob Lawson's picture
David Killens's picture
"I strongly suspect that a
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ SfT
Bob Lawson's picture
Searching for Truth, I wouldn
Ramo Mpq's picture
@Bob L.
Sky Pilot's picture
So are you calling Mohammed a
Bob Lawson's picture
@Searching for truth
LogicFTW's picture
Bob Lawson's picture
David Killens's picture
I was raised a christian,
Ramo Mpq's picture
Searching for truth the only
David Killens's picture
Searching for truth you are
Ramo Mpq's picture
I suggest you stick to the
David Killens's picture
@Searching for truth
Ramo Mpq's picture
David Killens's picture
Do not be so evasive when you
Sheldon's picture
"No thanks as that will be
Sheldon's picture
Is it objectively moral for a
Bob Lawson's picture
@David Killens
Ramo Mpq's picture
@ Bob L.
Sheldon's picture
"However, as usual, the
arakish's picture
NOT Searching for truth:


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David Killens's picture
@Bob L


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