Atheist Victory?

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David_Holloway's picture
I personally feel that we'll
Saul Luizaga's picture
Their Human Rights should be
Larry Johnson's picture
The bible already says what
Nyarlathotep's picture
jazzyj7 - The Christians will
Larry Johnson's picture
Then I saw the souls of those
Nyarlathotep's picture
jazzyj7 - The Christians will
Sheldon's picture
The bible say a family of two
Larry Johnson's picture
By the way the antichrist is
mykcob4's picture
Sheldon's picture
A more concise and pithy
Sheldon's picture
"By the way the antichrist is
Larry Johnson's picture
Book of Daniel also says, He
mykcob4's picture
You're a mess jazzy! You are
Sheldon's picture
Rambling incoherent gibberish
Nyarlathotep's picture
jazzyj7 - Book of Daniel also
Larry Johnson's picture
Who is the liar? It is
LogicFTW's picture
Hah cool, some person thinks
Tin-Man's picture
@Logic Re: "Wonder if I can
Sapporo's picture
Well yeah, I am an antichrist
Sheldon's picture
There's no more objective
Larry Johnson's picture
Y'all love me showing you the
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Prozac. Stat.
Tin-Man's picture
@Jazzy Re: " you
Sheldon's picture
It's their minds, not there
Sheldon's picture
"satan has a 5 pointed plan "
Cognostic's picture
Atheists dominating society


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