Atheist Victory?

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Rabble Rouser's picture
Atheist Victory?

So I have a serious question. If the present trends continue, and the atheists eventually predominate and gain the power to control society, what will happen to the Believers in Christ...and there are always some when these things happen...who refuse to reject Christianity?

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Travis Hedglin's picture
They will most likely be
Andrew Arons's picture
Beats me. They're too generic
ThePragmatic's picture
I think you actually mean
Pitar's picture
Anti-Theist victory, not
ImFree's picture
The religious will be
ThePragmatic's picture
Just as a side note, if you
Mitch's picture
If that were to happen, then
ThePragmatic's picture
I actually don't see that
Mitch's picture
The tradions would still be
Luther's picture
"As long as people...
Pitar's picture
There's a very thin line
ThePragmatic's picture
Andrew McArthur's picture
Just keep your gods off the
Luther's picture
Very well explained Pitar! I
Luther's picture
Adding to your list - The
ThePragmatic's picture
"The homeschool movement is
Luther's picture
Yes, the Amish are
ImFree's picture
I’m guessing the internet had
Luther's picture
Yes, but books and travel
Nyarlathotep's picture
A Theist - "what will happen
Travis Hedglin's picture
If it does, they will have to
ThePragmatic's picture
I think (hope) that the
mykcob4's picture
What are you afraid of. I am
MCDennis's picture
Nothing. Atheists don't care
Jeffrey Patten's picture
Why do you believe that, if
Sky Pilot's picture
Random Sample
xenoview's picture
You not talking about an
The_Hyphenator's picture
What "victory?" Christians
Frank Atkisson's picture
Same thing that happens to
Mike O'Hara's picture
Anti-Theist "Victory". I don


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