Atheist guy VS Lead Islamic sheikh in Egypt on TV.atheist kicked out!

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Hogwarts's picture
Atheist guy VS Lead Islamic sheikh in Egypt on TV.atheist kicked out!

Stumbled upon this funny yet sad video.

A young Egyptian atheist supposedly there to debate sheikh al-azhar (pretty much the highest Islamic entity in Egypt) on tv. So the host just kicked him out lol. Y'know, that's what u do when u can't have an actual argument.

(~3 min video, English subs are pretty accurate)

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Whitefire13's picture
Thanks for sharing Hogswart-

Thanks for sharing Hogswart- a very brave, young man!

algebe's picture
I kind of sympathize with the

I kind of sympathize with the host. His extreme reaction suggests that he was absolutely terrified to learn that he had an atheist on his show. That kind of fear is one of the pillars of religion.

I was amused by the Sheikh's suggestion that the young man should get psychiatric help to restore his belief in a medieval magic cult.

Hogwarts's picture
Well, My Psychiatrist told my

Well, My Psychiatrist told my dad once that he wanna treat my atheism before treating my bipolar it's not just Sheikhs that think so.
Much less amusing when u hear it from an actual psychiatrist with a PHD u know :(

algebe's picture
@Hogwarts: treat my atheism

@Hogwarts: treat my atheism before treating my bipolar disorder.

My psychiatrist offered to "channel" me to the spirit of a Babylonian princess who lived in a well under her kitchen in Christchurch, New Zealand. My wife's psychiatrist told her that she (the psychiatrist) was being stalked by the Korean CIA. She also had 20 cats in her consulting room.

I think mad psychiatrists are actually the most effective. As you talk to them, you begin to realize that you're not the crazy one after all.

Whitefire13's picture
Algebe ...holy fuck, holy

Algebe ...holy fuck, holy fuck...holy fuckers!!!!

For real?!?!? Holy shit! There must be some type of “regulating body” to check on these “Drs”... man alive!!!! These “psychiatrists” wouldn’t last a day in my area!

algebe's picture


For real.

The first psychiatrist I went to was the worst. Apparently to treat a 13yo kid for a debilitating phobia (arachnophobia), you need a urine sample that has to be produced in view of the practitioner. I made an excuse about forgetting to lock my bike and got out of there. I'm not really into water sports. I told my Dad, but I don't know if anything was done about him. He was in his 80s.

Whitefire13's picture
Well, Jesus, now I know why

Well, Jesus, now I know why “Aussies” are fucking crazy!!!!! ;)

algebe's picture


That was in New Zealand. But Aussies are also fucking crazy.

Hogwarts's picture
wow.....and I thought that

wow.....and I thought that the bunch of shrinks I have been to were the worst.....

boomer47's picture


Egypt? Sounds about right if my experience on an Egyptian Egyptology forum is anything to go by.Those fucks are quite nuts.

A young man yet learn that discretion is often the better part of valour. Especially when one's physical safety is involved.

Cognostic's picture
A clip from 2018; however, I

A clip from 2018; however, I suspect it is even older than that. I remember watching it when it first came out.... years ago. The follow up was interesting as well...

Grinseed's picture
We Aussies maybe fucking

We Aussies maybe fucking crazy but I'm not insane enough to appear on Egyptian TV to show everyone what I look like and to then declare my atheism.
I once was crazy but then I learned to channel my inner cockatoo and I'm feeling much better now.

dogalmighty's picture
just noticed your avatar..

just noticed your avatar...LOL.

Tin-Man's picture
I thought I was crazy once.

I thought I was crazy once. Turns out I was just clinically insane. Phew! Imagine my relief.... *nervous chuckle*... *rocking back and forth while sharpening axe*...

Grinseed's picture
It helps to make me feel safe

It helps to make me feel safe.

Whitefire13's picture


I use it so “they” can’t “face track” me...

Grinseed's picture
This is not Darwin's work.

This is not Darwin's work. Its not evolution by natural selection. A religion that kills all deniers of that religion does not prosper because it is absolutely correct, more truthful or proves the existence of a god. It prospers because it is immorally violent .

dogalmighty's picture
You are ringing the bells in

You are ringing the bells in the steeple this month, grin. Cogent and direct. :)

Grinseed's picture
In real life I bear a close

In real life I bear a close resemblance to Quasimodo.
...and the hydroxychloroquine is starting to kick in....

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