atheist convinced

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humblebill's picture
atheist convinced

Well I would like to know and maybe somebody can explain to me why fellow Atheist are so dogmatically convinced that there is no GOD. or that the Christian god is so impossible. can you please site me your reasoning for making such a bold proclamation "There can`t be any god". is it an emotional reply is it interlectural in it out of HATE? Please address these questions in a calm way.

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arakish's picture
Nope. Not out of hate, but
humblebill's picture
You give a long list from the
David Killens's picture
@billy zarcone
humblebill's picture
Tell me David what happened
David Killens's picture
If there was a jesus and he
humblebill's picture
as a courtesy to joseph Of
David Killens's picture
The wall I have put up is not
Sky Pilot's picture
billy zarcone,
humblebill's picture
Jesus also stated to leave
David Killens's picture
Hey, your beloved jesus said
Tin-Man's picture
@DC... (dang-it. sorry.)...
arakish's picture
Only need one.
humblebill's picture
Do you care to espouse on
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Billy
Tin-Man's picture
@Billy Z Re: "So i just
Tin-Man's picture
@Billy Z Re: "...if you
Nyarlathotep's picture
billy zarcone - Just look at
David Killens's picture
@billy zarcone
humblebill's picture
What your not seeing is that
David Killens's picture
But is everything that was
humblebill's picture
Jesus is in heaven. he rose
arakish's picture
Do you have objective hard
Sky Pilot's picture
billy zarcone,
arakish's picture
billy zarcone: "Do you care
David Killens's picture
Personally I do not take the
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Billy
humblebill's picture
Why do you put GOD in the
David Killens's picture
Because just like unicorns
Tin-Man's picture
@FIG... (oops.).. Er-uh..
Cognostic's picture
Absolutely, and more than


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