Atheism vsAgnostics vs Humanism vs Secularism

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freethinker's picture
Atheism vsAgnostics vs Humanism vs Secularism

I would love for more experienced people than myself to distinguish between the above mentioned non theistic beliefs..I have recently come out as an Atheist and confused about which one describes me best.....I am leaning toward Humanism but would like some input from others...I do not believe in god but I also feel that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs without prejudice.....and wish that we all could just get along....

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ex-christian_atheist's picture
Theism - The belief in the
CyberLN's picture
Well, this is a tough biscuit
CyberLN's picture
Well, this is a tough biscuit
CyberLN's picture
Apologies, didn't mean to
Danny Craft's picture
Agreed.. And yea 'freethinker
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm totally lost on why we
Lmale's picture
Theres one slight mistake
SammyShazaam's picture
Without a state of religion..
Lmale's picture
Sorry without the states
Lmale's picture
The romans had the roman gods

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