Atheism, reason and freedom

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Atheist Jogger's picture
Atheism, reason and freedom

I am atheist because I value reason in my thought processes. If you give me a better answer than the one have, I'll change my viewpoint, eg if you prove that god exists.

I am anti theism when it infringes on my rights. I have no problem with anyone doing what they wish in their own house, but when it overlaps into government laws, eg you MUST NOT teach evolution even if you want to, or churches WILL be subsidized from my money, it bothers me. Now, I'm sure that many atheists feel the same: that our freedom is being infringed and reduced because of someone else's religion. 35 years ago in my country liquor stores were not allowed to open on a Sunday because everyone had to go to church. Sport was not allowed to be shown on TV after 6pm on Sundays because everyone had to go to church.

My post is not about religion, I'm just setting the scene. My question is why are some atheists, who use logic and freedom in their reasons for being atheist, supporters of restricting my freedom in other areas, specifically the area of economics? I don't want to debate why you may be right or wrong, I'm just interested in understanding your thought processes that suggest that socialism or any economic system that restricts your/my freedom to run my own life, my own business. From an atheist perspective why should I not be allowed to operate on the basis of willing buyer/willing seller? Why must government get involved in how I live and what I do?

I know atheists who are Marxist and they justify their "faith" in Marxism by showing us his book, not dissimilar from a person proving the bible is true by showing us the bible.In both cases religion and Marxism it results in less freedom. Please don't tell me that the bible gives you freedom to worship god or that Marxism gives you free lunches without giving the same reasons for both.

Just to repeat, why do some atheists want freedom from religion, but want to restrict other freedoms?

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Cognostic's picture
No idea! And well put. My
algebe's picture
@Cognostic: If I run a bar
arakish's picture
I agree with Cognostic. I
LogicFTW's picture
It is fair to be angry about
arakish's picture
Thanks Logic,
Sushisnake's picture
arakish's picture
Cognostic's picture
I love that routing. Also
Sapporo's picture
It is lazy to associate all
Glacier's picture
"35 years ago in my country
algebe's picture
In Australia and New Zealand
LogicFTW's picture
@OP and Thread
Sapporo's picture
The outcome of democracy
Aposteriori unum's picture
If you're equating atheism
Atheist Jogger's picture
Thanks for all your comments.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Atheist Jogger - ...why do
Atheist Jogger's picture
I know that. I hoping that

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