Atheism: Good and Evil

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Paul Grinwis's picture
Atheism: Good and Evil

I'm a christian and i'm new to this site.
I've always wondered how atheists deal with the existence of morality.
If there is no God, why have humans as far back as we can record deal in terms of morality?
I'm not arguing for a moral standard that is put forward by a God, i'm pointing out that for some reason morality has always existed regardless of how the standard has changed over time and distance.
I would really appreciate if someone could help me understand an atheist's point of view on this issue.

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Matty Arnold's picture
Humans have an innate moral
Paul Grinwis's picture
I've heard about the book
Matty Arnold's picture
The God Delusion is a
Paul Grinwis's picture
Ya i'm reading through it
Matty Arnold's picture
By all means read it, it's
Rob's picture
I think atheists simply
efpierce's picture
You are 110% correct on that,
Matty Arnold's picture
Humanism is a moral
droyce's picture
Another great book is The
damanar's picture
Morality exists in lesser
mysticrose's picture
Animal have morals too but
James's picture
i think is pretty simple, i
SammyShazaam's picture
Do Christians only do good

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