Is Atheism exist is just to "HATE" religion?

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
.............. there is some
Nordic Fox's picture
SeanBreen's picture
Just because people claim
Nordic Fox's picture
Indeed, but that's what I
SeanBreen's picture
If any ancient teaching gets
Nordic Fox's picture
However he was attributed
Eugene Chumakov's picture
The Bible is not a source or
Eugene Chumakov's picture
Atheism does not exist to
AtLarryaccomplish Peacegreenjobscongress's picture
to be most precise, American
Eugene Chumakov's picture
Atheism does not exist to
Nutmeg's picture
Your approach seems to be
AtLarryaccomplish Peacegreenjobscongress's picture
agnosticism is a non-sequitur
AtLarryaccomplish Peacegreenjobscongress's picture
Our Atheism is a love of
Nordic Fox's picture
And I never called myself a
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
well......... I have to
Nordic Fox's picture
Not particularly sure? Haha
Travis Hedglin's picture
"And how did this turn into a


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