Is Atheism exist is just to "HATE" religion?

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Mangal Das's picture
Is Atheism exist is just to "HATE" religion?

A open letter to atheist brothers/sisters,
As answer to post Buddhist way and in response to one of my brothers,
You hate religion so much that you just find religion in everything. First of all read/learn about yoga. It is Agnostic philosophy which don't believe in supremacy of god . Even word "Brahman/The One/Source " is defined in many ways in Hinduism, It varies school to school , some school of Hinduism even reject the idea of Brahman . Buddhism also reject the idea of Brahman/GOD. So Buddhism is the earliest Atheism, even though it is considered as religion by Westerners. Before 11 th century there was no idea of religion in India. In Sanskrit there is no word for "religion or Evil".
In Indian philosophy, three schools of thought are commonly referred to as nastika for rejecting the doctrine of Vedas: Jainism, Buddhism and Cārvāka. Though nastika, meaning heterodox, refers to the non-belief of Vedas rather than non-belief of God,all these schools also reject the notion of a creationist god.
Mimamsas argued that there was no need to postulate a maker for the world, just as there was no need for an author to compose the Vedas or a God to validate the rituals.
Among the various schools of Hindu philosophy, Samkhya, Yoga and Mimamsa while not rejecting either the the Vedas or the Brahman , typically reject a personal God, creator God, or a God with attributes. While Samkhya and Yoga rejected the idea of an eternal, self-caused, creator God, Mimamsa argued that the Vedas could not have been authored by a deity.
Nasadiya Sukta (Creation Hymn) in the tenth chapter of the Rig Veda states:

Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation?
The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.

For example you may have problem with "OM", even with out understanding the meaning of it (For better understanding of it , read Fourier series (Go to NPTEL lecturers of signal and system ,IIT chennai), Probabilistic wave Atomic model) . I am not saying that those ancient people understand these scientific theories. But they did have power of observing the effects, It is the language of explanation which differs. They have philosophical approach of course what do you expect from ancient mind . I am doing a Phd in electrical in Engg. and I will never claim in absence or presence of anything with out properly understanding it. Is Atheism exist is just to "HATE" religion. Just like every other religious orthodox hate other religion. I think "NO". We should try to understand everything , should praise it if it has something good in it.Is Atheism exist is just to "HATE" religion. If you think yes than I can feel sorry for you because you have become the same thing that you wanted to destroy.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Mangal Das - "For better
Mangal Das's picture
For better understanding of
Nyarlathotep's picture
I know what the Fourier
Mangal Das's picture
Dear Nyarlathotep,
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mindless dribble
Mangal Das's picture
"mindless dribble" ; you
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Dear Atheist,https://www
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I saw Kaku give a speech in
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yep, well said, we should not
Mangal Das's picture
Dear CyberLN ,
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It's interesting that you
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An excellent example of
Mangal Das's picture
Dear CyberLN ,
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I don't give a crap about the
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Dear CyberLN,
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Well, this latest post of
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The only person who is silly
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Back to this whole energy
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Mangal Das's picture
I agree with all of you ,it
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Wonderfull post, it is nice
Mangal Das's picture
Give your suggestion on this
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You have to understand that
Nyarlathotep's picture
With normal user level access


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