are teachers allowed to recite a part of the bible in class??

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sheperd343's picture
are teachers allowed to recite a part of the bible in class??

i need help one of my teachers have in the last few weeks recited a few parts of the bible in class and stop us from leaving the class room so a student could recite the paragraph in school and a few other things to that are religiously oriented i do not think this is legal and its highly offensive but i do not know what to do i live in a very religious state and community so i do not think that thay would even take me seriously and would just shrug at my complaint! i need some ideas on what i should do? any help is appreciated!!

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Spewer's picture
It's not illegal per se to
Zaphod's picture
I think spewer answered this
Zaphod's picture
If your in a public school
sheperd343's picture
Thanks guys this helped me
SammyShazaam's picture
Dude, if it's a Bible Study
AnimalLeader's picture
I think that any form of
ginamoon's picture
I think if your comfortable
mattyn's picture
So take it as a textbook in a
Spewer's picture
I get the impression that
efpierce's picture
I am starting to think that
mysticrose's picture
I agree that you can take it

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