Anyone willing to dialogue with a Christian about their atheism?

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StanRoofner's picture
Anyone willing to dialogue with a Christian about their atheism?

Just looking for someone to dialogue with about being an atheist and why they don't believe there is a God.

Looking forward to chatting!

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ImFree's picture
Welcome ChristFollower! How
StanRoofner's picture
I am well! How are you?
jamiebgood1's picture
Hi ChristFollower
StanRoofner's picture
Hi Jamie! Thanks for your
jamiebgood1's picture
Thanks for your response
bobingersoll's picture
Yes, but I usually prefer
algebe's picture
Hello ChristFollower: "why
StanRoofner's picture
I believe in Christ because
algebe's picture
@ChristFollower: "Can I ask
xenoview's picture
I'm an Atheist due to the
StanRoofner's picture
Hello Xenoview!
Sky Pilot's picture
xenoview's picture
You want evidence of religion
Pitar's picture
Sure. Chat about what? Theism
StanRoofner's picture
Hi Pitar! Thanks for your
mykcob4's picture
Christfollower. As far as I
StanRoofner's picture
I've heard this argument
CyberLN's picture
Atheism is NOT a worldview!
StanRoofner's picture
I was actually coming back
Sky Pilot's picture
StanRoofner's picture
I don't 'want' there to be a
SBMontero's picture
@ChristFollower: Well, let's
StanRoofner's picture
Can you define for me what
SBMontero's picture
@ChristFollower: Sure.
chimp3's picture
ChristFollower: I do not
Sky Pilot's picture
StanRoofner's picture
Hi Chimp! BTW... I love
xenoview's picture
algebe's picture
@Christfollower: "wouldn't
chimp3's picture
I do not believe in god. I do


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