Allah's Path

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Ellie Harris's picture
Allah's Path

1:6 Show us the straight path,
1:7 The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray
Did Allah's "straight path,'' include the thousand yr old Sunni vs Shi' ite strife?

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mysticrose's picture
I guess so. I hope the Islam
Ellie Harris's picture
Much like xtianity islam
maryam's picture
Ellie Haris
Ellie Harris's picture
I mean does Allah"s '
maryam's picture
The Shi'ite are not Muslims..
Zaphod's picture
It does not matter against
Nyarlathotep's picture
LOL, it is like when the
Ellie Harris's picture
Maryam, we can deal with the
Zaphod's picture
Are the Shia and the Shi'ite
maryam's picture
Hey Zaphod..!!
maryam's picture
Guide us to Straight path
Zaphod's picture
SO in short your saying they
maryam's picture
No, they are not like trinity
Zaphod's picture
I did not mean they are like
Ellie Harris's picture
Is the sunni vs shi' ite
maryam's picture
5:8---- one of the beauitful
Nyarlathotep's picture
So just in case anyone is
maryam's picture
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"But I’m afraid to call them
maryam's picture
I am afraid to call my
Ellie Harris's picture
Mayram, yes or no. Is the
maryam's picture
Yes certainly Allah has
Ellie Harris's picture
Maryam if this violence and
maryam's picture
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"but the true or practicing
maryam's picture
“For some people it is your
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Why are you so hard headed in
maryam's picture
"All of them are following
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Iam not one of them becoz I
maryam's picture
“Yes, you cannot be unbiased


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