Allah is ENERGY

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Matheist's picture
Allah is ENERGY

Allah is the "Light (Energy)". (Quran 24:35)

لا إله إلا الله

لا إله (No God/Matter)
إلا الله (Only Energy)

Chapter 112: Law of Conservation of Energy
1. Say: He, "Energy", is One (1).
2. "Energy", the Absolute (1 & 0).
3. "Energy" did not reproduce (cannot be destroyed), and "Energy" was not born (cannot be created).
4. And none (0) is like "Energy" (1).

Allah is the LordLaw of the Universe. (Quran 1:2)

That is Allah [what is Allah? Allah is] your LordLaw. There is no LordLaw but Him [What is the LordLaw? It is] the Creator of everything [LordLaw of Nature]. So serve Him [Natural Order]. He is responsible for everything [of its Cause & Effect]. (Quran 6:102)

That is Allah [what is Allah? Allah is] your LordLaw [What is the LordLaw? It is] the Creator of everything [LordLaw of Nature]. There is no LordLaw but Him — so how can you be so deluded? (Quran 40:62)

When he came to the Fire he was called: "O Moses. I (FIRE) am your Lord!" (Quran 20:13)

(Like the fire of Moses which he saw as what he needed. It was Allah but he did not perceive it.)

Moses said ‘[Allah is] LordLaw of the East and West and everything between them. If you would only use your reason!’ (Quran 26:28)

What is man?


Man from a clot (higgs boson) / magnetic particles (atoms). (Quran 96:2)

[Man from] Light upon light (transformation of Energy). (Quran 24:35)

Issue 1 // 2 // 3 // 4

Here is Allah.



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Sapporo's picture
Energy is detectable.
Matheist's picture
You are Allah and it is
Sapporo's picture
Matheist: You are Allah and
Grinseed's picture
I'VE always suspected Sapporo
Matheist's picture
When I have formed him
Tin-Man's picture
Soooooo..... Apparently,
Sky Pilot's picture
Sheldon's picture
What utter fatuous hokum.
Cognostic's picture
I've got a million dollars
Tin-Man's picture
terraphon's picture
@Matheist Prove it. Thanks.
Tin-Man's picture
@Terraphon Re: "Prove it."
terraphon's picture
I know...I'm a mess.
Cognostic's picture
I'd worship Tin Man over
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: "I'd worship Tin
terraphon's picture
Something about a banana on a
Tin-Man's picture
@Terraphon Re: "Something
algebe's picture
@Matheist: Allah is ENERGY
terraphon's picture
I'm still hoping OP will
Matheist's picture
1. Allah is Energy
Matheist's picture
1. Atoms are empty space
dogalmighty's picture
Bwaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Randomhero1982's picture
Allah is the "Light (Energy)"
Matheist's picture
You're not made from Energy?
terraphon's picture
I'm made up primarily of
Randomhero1982's picture
Accordingly to one of the
toto974's picture
How would like it to be...
terraphon's picture
Of course it's true...I
toto974's picture
Matheist's picture
The issue...


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