The Agnostic third way

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Cognostic's picture
@White: I will let my
David Killens's picture
Agnosticism is based on
Tin-Man's picture
....*strumming fingers on
David Killens's picture
@ Tin-Man
Whitefire13's picture
David Killens's picture
@ Whitefire13
Tomcolumbus's picture
"OK fucktard that comment was
Whitefire13's picture
@Columbus - OK fucktard that
Cognostic's picture
@Columbus: I am fairly sure
Tomcolumbus's picture
@Columbus: I am fairly sure
Nyarlathotep's picture
Columbus - I've gotten my one
LostLocke's picture
Just a heads up, I would
Cognostic's picture
@White: I would try to
Tin-Man's picture
Whitefire13's picture
@Cog. Backhoe is out back :)
NewSkeptic's picture
We are going to miss that
LogicFTW's picture
@Dworkin Original post
Dworkin's picture
Hi LogicFTW,
Randomhero1982's picture
It's pretty amazing when
Dworkin's picture
Cognostic's picture
*Shaking head in disbelief as
Whitefire13's picture
@Cog. **
Sheldon's picture
Dworkin "Question – Do you
Dworkin's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Dworkin: An Agnostic can
Sheldon's picture
Dworkin "With respect, I
Dworkin's picture
Cognostic's picture
OH FUCK: Atheists are not
Sheldon's picture
Dworkin "it is possible to
David Killens's picture
@ Sheldon


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