The Agnostic third way

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Dworkin's picture
The Agnostic third way


I would like to offer a modest thesis regarding the Agnostic, suggesting that we might better serve the Agnostic by using the word as a noun rather than an adjective before another noun.

Here it is:

Question – Do you know that the statement ‘There is God’ is true?

Dworkin – No.

Question – Do you know that the statement ‘There is no God’ is true?

Dworkin – No.

Question – Do you believe that the statement ‘There is God’ is true?

Dworkin – No.

Question – Do you believe that the statement ‘There is no God’ is true?

Dworkin – No.

We will see from the above that the words ‘know’ and ‘believe’ are interchangeable in the questions and this has no effect on the answers.

A conclusion on Dworkin’s position is therefore clear. This is what I will call the ‘Agnostic third way’.


PS – I’m obviously open to objections and there is no criticism implied of other and different positions such as the Theist or the Atheist, the Agnostic Theist or Agnostic Atheist.

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Whitefire13's picture
Dworkin... I see where you’re
Dworkin's picture
Whitefire13's picture
@Dworkin... I do see your
David Killens's picture
@ Dworkin
Cognostic's picture
@Great Post David!
Maxos Goober's picture
Whitefire13's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dworkin - ...suggesting that
Dworkin's picture
Cognostic's picture
Tomcolumbus's picture
"Either there is a God or
Cognostic's picture
@Columbus: Do you not even
Tomcolumbus's picture
"The assertion - "God exists,
Whitefire13's picture
@Columbus ...” an objective
Tomcolumbus's picture
Why don’t you explain “god”
Cognostic's picture
@Columbus: I'm not making
Whitefire13's picture
OK fucktard that comment was
boomer47's picture
Cognostic's picture
It does not matter what the
Tomcolumbus's picture
"Sorry you do not have the
Cognostic's picture
Holy-moly - if your posts
Sheldon's picture
Cognostic "Either there is a
Cognostic's picture
@Sheldon: LOL - I was
Cognostic's picture
@Sheldon: LOL - I was
Cognostic's picture
@Sheldon: I think you shut
Dworkin's picture
Hi cognostic,
Cognostic's picture
Dworkin: RE: "When asked if
Nyarlathotep's picture
Cognostic - So you do not
Cognostic's picture
@Nyarlathotep: O -- If only
Whitefire13's picture, nicely explained.


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