42 guns REALLY?

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Sky Pilot's picture


Sure it sucks to die but it's inevitable. You will die. IMO some ways are worse than others. I'm not especially afraid of dying I just don't want it to take all day. So yeah, I would personally be perfectly fine taking three in the head. It would be messy but I intend to be cremated. I wouldn't want to take any in the torso and have to suffer or undergo a bunch of operations.

I think it's silly for religious people to get upset when one of them gets killed. You have to die in order to get into the golden cube and Yeshua won't return until a magic number of believers get killed for their faith. So if they get killed in church Yeshua's will is being done and it makes him happy. If they weren't being killed he never would come back (Revelation 6:9-11).

LogicFTW's picture
Dying is inevitable, about

Dying is inevitable, about the one thing we can truly count on to occur.

I certainly agree, a quick and painless death is far better then a slow agonizing death.

You would not be perfectly fine taking three to the head if it was not a time of your choosing with yourself in control.

I am pretty sure if someone came up to you holding a gun and say which do you prefer? 3 to the torso or 3 to the head? You would state torso because you would have a much better shot at living, despite all the pain, surgery etc. Of course if you were out in the middle of nowhere, and getting help in time was not a possibility, 3 shots to the head would be better because death from either option is very likely.

Definitely agree with you about theist being worried about dying if they "truly" believed in god and are going to heaven and all that. Perhaps they feel they don't deserve heaven and they are going to hell? I suppose if I believed in a possibility of that, dying would be even more terrifying. It is not "nothing" like many atheist believe, it is a very real possibility of an eternity of torment!

K FRAME's picture
Anyone who opposes the

Anyone who opposes the citizenry having firearms is a sexist and a bigot. They are also very stupid. More people have been slaughtered by their government than any other form of murder. So if you oppose the 2nd amendment you support the conditions that allow the mass slaughter of innocents. That makes you a special kind of evil. If you tried to take my wife's ability to defend herself from her, I would kill your worthless woman hating ass with a smile on my face
Bring it bitches. NOT a goddamned inch is given to scum who make women, the weak, and the disabled victims of predators. NOT a goddamned Inch.

Discere's picture
Wow. I have never seen so

Wow. I have never seen so much irrelevant, idiotic blathering and trollish baiting in a single post before.

LogicFTW's picture
Yep total flame bait.

Yep total flame bait.

Makes you wonder the state of mind of someone that post something like that. Oh hey, horrible tragedy! I am going to go flame/troll because it makes me hard!

Sky Pilot's picture


You could have been a real hero in the Old American West around 1870-1880.

mykcob4's picture
No Discere, K Frame is just

No Discere, K Frame is just the childish alter ego of Harry Truman, a kid that was banned weeks ago. HT man, K Frame, and Harry Truman are one in the same. Mentally troubled teenagers.

mykcob4's picture
To All:

To All:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Many of you gun advocates point to the above to justify owning any fucking type of weapon you want to use any way you want, but you ignore the whole statement. There is a reason it is ONE sentence!
You take the statement out of context, essentially cherry pick it for your political aim.
It is a 4 part sentence.
1) "A well regulated Militia,..."
This means to justify civilians owning and operating guns they need to be in a civilian army, a militia, and that militia will be WELL REGULATED.
2)"..being necessary to the security of a free State,.." this is the reason for a civilian army or militia as the Constitution does not provide for a standing army. Since the USA has a standing army and there is no need for a militia to maintain the security of a free state, there is no justification for civilian gun ownership.
3) "... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, ..." This is a point that hinges on points one and two. There is no other justification, none, nada, zip, ZERO!
4) "... shall not be infringed." As with point 3, this point hinges on point 1 & 2 of the overall statement. Therefore, if there is no need for a militia and said militia is no longer necessary to the security of a free state, point 4 is moot.
That is the 2nd Amendment broken down so all can understand it.
there is nothing to prevent laws and regulations on guns, nothing to prohibit guns whatsoever. Not the 2nd, 5th, or 10th Amendments as someone has suggested.

LogicFTW's picture
Yep, the word gun is not even

Yep, the word gun is not even in there.

We could ban all forms of guns and not violate the 2nd amendment at all. Hell we could ban BB guns. Air Guns, etc.

The 2nd amendment is so badly outdated it may as well be the protecting of the right to wear pink underwear depicting a picture's of a bear's forward legs.

mykcob4's picture
Yep Logic, you are correct.

Yep Logic, you are correct. If we take the 2nd literally the government can never prevent you from wearing short sleeves!

Sky Pilot's picture


The shooter was in compliance with the Nevada Constitution until he started shooting.

Text of Section 11:
Right to Keep and Bear Arms; Civil Power Supreme

1. Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes.

K FRAME's picture
4 inch corn, you are very

4 inch corn, you are very uniformed. Please do actual academic research. The meaning and context of the 2nd amendment is understood as a universal enumeration of a natural right that prexists the enumeration. This singular understanding of all honest academics is not in dispute dispite your childish plaintive wailing. The reason our great republic is the highest form of governmental evolution is the basic understanding of individualism and that government does not give rights. Rights are self evident from reason and the laws of nature. You are a simple minded first step thinker like most emotionally driven and irrational progressives. You deny humanity with your ignorance and seek to replace your yearning for a god with a yearning for the god state. You will always lose because you do not have the will to defend your position in honest debate.

mykcob4's picture
Not biting Harry, er I mean

Not biting Harry, er I mean Kframe.

NameRemovedByMod's picture
I agree 100 percent! I owe

I agree 100 percent! I owe you an apology too. I have always assumed that most military people that served were pro gun. My bad as they say!

I tell people this. How come Canada has almost the same amount of guns and nowhere near the killings? The NRA and it's blood thirsty alliance with the gun manufacturers glorifies gun ownership and many republicans have been bought and paid for by these two organizations.

I don't need a gun either. A lot of it is macho shit. Maybe they are self conscious about their penis size.

It is all wrong and if someone is not outraged, that is what should be called anti American! Thank you for your post.

Nyarlathotep's picture
I was a bit of a gun

I was a bit of a gun enthusiast before I joined the military. It cured me of that.

mykcob4's picture

I never even held a firearm until I joined. I found out that I was very good at it. The USMC thought so too. They trained me to be a scout/sniper.
What is really odd is that most of the best-trained snipers don't come from shooting backgrounds. They are complete novices. The reason is that amateurs develop bad habits or are trained wrong in the first place. Take windage. There is a technical way to do it. Most amateurs just guess and lead too far or not enough. Amateurs get used to bad firing positions that rely on muscle instead of bone for a platform. Amateurs are hardly ever trained in deflection angle, again, they just guess. Amateurs don't breathe normally, they tend to hold their breath which raises the heart rate
My PMI told me he would rather teach someone with no experience than someone that just thinks that they know what they are doing because they have shot before.
What is ironic is when you get into a firefight for the first time. Those hunters are the most visibly scared. the ones that have come into it "cold" as they say rely instinctively on their training and act better in battle sooner.
It's like this:
Take a blank slate and you can write the correct procedure.
Take a prewritten slate and you have to do a lot of erasing before you write the correct procedure, and there is always the residue of the bad procedure still on the board.

Nyarlathotep's picture
mykcob4 - What is really odd

mykcob4 - What is really odd is that most of the best-trained snipers don't come from shooting backgrounds. They are complete novices.

Yep I had the same experience. The best shooters were the novices. The sergeants had a hell of a time beating the bad habits out of me before I could do well. The worst bad habit I had turned out to be I was shooting right handed when I should have been shooting left handed!

mykcob4's picture
You are welcome Larger Bowl.

You are welcome Larger Bowl.
Most people that have seen combat lose their taste for guns. When you see first hand what life and death are on a daily basis, how it becomes a lifestyle, the sight of a gun actually makes you sick. You hate what you can do and what you have done.
Funny that you mention macho shit. That comes from "pop-culture" it is direct indoctrination, some intentional and some unintentional. The news media sensationalizes crime, particularly crimes committed by black men. This drives a fear that is prevalent among Americans in general.
Everyone is susceptible.
When you actually live in the world of combat you become numb to death. You even start to lose a high regard for your own personal safety. It's not that you become brave, you just don't care.
So when you come home and you see how people that don't know a damn thing about killing or the threat of being killed put on a pseudo-macho personna and you just have to shake your head.
These idiots think that because they go to the range and shoot a million rounds all of a sudden you are James Bond. There is no James Bond, never was a James Bond. Fucking RETARDS!

Discere's picture
"Most people that have seen

"Most people that have seen combat lose their taste for guns. When you see first hand what life and death are on a daily basis, how it becomes a lifestyle, the sight of a gun actually makes you sick. You hate what you can do and what you have done."

"When you actually live in the world of combat you become numb to death. You even start to lose a high regard for your own personal safety. It's not that you become brave, you just don't care."

I can agree with this wholeheartedly, more so then I would like to have ever been able to admit.

LogicFTW's picture


Canada has no where near the same amount of guns. US has 112.6 guns per 100 citizens, Canada has 30.8.per 100.
US has 323 million people, Canada has 36 million people. That is 363.7 million firearms in the US, to Canada's 11 million guns. Or for every gun in Canada there is 33 guns in the US.

US is unique in the world of how many guns it's citizens has. And it pays for that fact dearly due to the by far highest death by firearm rate of any first world country. US spends far more on policing and incarceration than any other first world country, and it still suffers from far higher rates.

Canada has 1/6th the rate of people dying to firearms as US and also has close 1/4 the amount of firearms per 100 people as well. A much stronger argument. Less guns in the hands of citizens % wise = less people dying to guns percentage wise.

K FRAME's picture
Those of us raised with guns,

Those of us raised with guns, bows, and cold pig steal spears and hunting are aware of death from a young age. I have found that those raised without the natural understanding of the role of the predator and the understanding of life and death are often less empathetic and have a lesser understanding of the finality and responsibility of death. Those raised as predators and sheep dogs were always the coolest under the stress of a fire fight. I call total bullshit to corn cobs blather. I have also noticed the effeminate willingness to lack responsibility for there own safety as a common trait of those who brains were not fully developed because of their perverse urbanization. Sad, but as they say, urbanites are led to rage as a rat in an overcrowded cage.

Discere's picture
"perverse urbanization."

"perverse urbanization."

What is this, the 1870's?! Are you a preacher arguing that the movement of people to cities is evil?! Because that's the only way I can imagine you actually thinking such outdated bullshit.

Nyarlathotep's picture
K FRAME - I have also

K FRAME - I have also noticed the effeminate willingness to lack responsibility for there own safety as a common trait of those who brains were not fully developed because of their perverse urbanization.

Forum Guidelines: 6) No homophobic, or sexist comments.

mykcob4's picture
You've never been in a

You've never been in a firefight Harry, I mean K Frame. I know a few gays guys that could kick your country ass if you want to meet one of them. But of course, you are lying about being in the country anyway. The last time you were here and you were only going by Harry Truman (before you got kicked off of the forum) you said that you wanted a gun because you live in an URBAN environment near LA.
BTW, country fucks make the worst combat people. You have to retrain them, plus they usually don't have the aptitude for learning being inbred bumpkins and all.

LogicFTW's picture
If you hunted down your own

If you hunted down your own food to feed your starving self and family with just a steel spear, you may know something about killing. But you never done anything of the sort. (It would help your online validity just a bit if you could spell "steel" right instead of steal.)

Sitting all day in a hunter's perch in a tree, waiting for animals to come by to your bait, (salt block or otherwise,) to blow them away with a pull of a trigger does not make you a "man" it makes you a senseless, cold, uncaring killer, especially when you can walk to the local store and get all the food you need with a swipe of a card. (I also think it is quite likely you never hunted and killed a large animal, like outlined above either.)

I highly doubt people that "hunt" are cool under the stress of a fire fight. Why would they be? They are used to being on the other side of the gun, shooting things that cannot possibly fight back or endanger them.

Those that served and been in a lot of live fire situations with real threat to their own lives? Maybe. But they also would realize the gravity of the situation. No combat gear. No radio communications with HQ, no plan, nobody to give orders, utterly exposed and taken by surprise. Those people may have seen real death. Seen close buddies die from fire fights.

Most of the above people that experienced this sort of stuff, do not talk about how "macho" they are, most never talk about it at all. Online instagram gun loving /macho man star Dan Bilzerian was caught on video running away from the las vegas shootings. He lost his shit. Do you really think you wouldn't?

Nyarlathotep's picture
The sad thing is, here in Las

The sad thing is, here in Las Vegas (and probably many other places), you need a license to own a cat, but not an assault rifle.

alanstatener's picture
As a night hunter, I needed a

As a night hunter, I needed a reliable thermal imaging scope and found the website https://www.agmglobalvision.com/thermal-imaging/thermal-weapon-sights to be a treasure trove. They offer a wide selection of thermal imaging scopes at competitive prices. The site was easy to navigate, with detailed descriptions and helpful customer reviews. Once I made my selection, the ordering process was simple and secure. When my thermal imaging scope arrived, its quality and performance exceeded my expectations.


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