3 min video 'disproving' evolution

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Lmale's picture
3 min video 'disproving' evolution

Have any of you seen the video posted by the facebook society jeasus christ is king?
Hes says he can disprove evolution in a 3 min video.
First off hes so arrogant he thinks he can do what hundreds if not thousands of the smartest theists and scientists have faild to do in 155years.
Second the very first point he makes is so utterly moronic i couldnt force myself to watch the rest. He states that evolution cannot be observed therefore is not a science!!!!
Wtf have we been doing for all that time oh yes i know weve been observing the world and seeing evolutionary changes.
Its easiest to see in shortest lived species but even in humans weve seen evolutionary changes in 155years.
The average heights been going up as women are being attracted more to tall men thanks to hollywood and models. Part is diet ofcourse but not enough to exclude evolution of the species.
I know this and im just a lay person with a bad memory that prevents me learning much anymore.
The videos been reposted by theists so often ive seen it in my news feed many times in a short length of time.
I dont know which is worse this rednecks arrogant stupidity or the gullibility of the theists reposting because the believe its fact.

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firebolt's picture
I can't find it! Do you have
Lmale's picture
I can do one better go to
Steve's picture
Steve's picture
^^^^^^^^^^^ It's the bottom
Gordan Šojat's picture
Belive in evolution....read
Lmale's picture
Evolution isnt a belief its a
Lmale's picture
A law describes a theory.
ChildofGod's picture
a scientific law cannot be
Nyarlathotep's picture
"a scientific law cannot be
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"matter cannot be created or
Nyarlathotep's picture
In physics when we remove a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
The context of the current
Nyarlathotep's picture
"Matter= energy"
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
matter is made up of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Last 10 min shows you how
Nyarlathotep's picture
You can take an electron and
firebolt's picture
Thank you for the links!
SammyShazaam's picture
It's really frustrating how
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
yea very frustrating, though
Lmale's picture
Yes abiogenesis is the
ChildofGod's picture
i dont treat science as a
Lmale's picture
Not to creationists. It
ImFree's picture
That video is hilarious.
Zaphod's picture
That video: Yikes! It would

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