I was a Christian and new to atheism. When others ask me about atheism, I can answer them but I cannot totally refute the bible, but I totally believed that Bible is just another fictional books out there. I cannot totally answered the believers about miracles, saints and exorcism. May you help me with this.
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i follow you but it would be a lot easier for me to give you an answer if you asked a specific question.
It is so easy to refute the Bible Daisy Jane.......How can theists explain creating a woman from Adam's rib and how about the talking snake.....or that Adam and Eve spoke..who taught them to speak? And don't forget the notion that Jesus was resurrected...that one always got to me..... Just saying ..
The only thing you can do is reasearch. I would suggest first working on gathering information in order to defend your lack of belief, and then move on to trying to refute specific beliefs once you can do that succesfully. I recommend reading Hitchens, Harris, Dawkins and Dennett. Look up common apologetic arguments and refutations for them. Most importantly, learn what arguments you shouldn't make, and also what arguments theists make that have been continually refuted and memorize the refutations. Maybe watch the amazing atheist, The bible Reloaded, Jaclyn Glenn and other atheist youtubers.
The best thing to do is be a skeptic of everything, don't believe anything, and try to confirm things for yourself.
There is no shame in saying I don't know. It is a sign of intellectual maturity.
I'm fairly new to Atheism as well. About 1 year ago I started watching formal debates between Atheists and Christians, namely Christopher Hitchens vs Christianity. It really confirmed my logical, yet anti-religious ideas. It was a very positive experience for me once I got used to it!
Hi, Daisy - There is a great book available that can help you to rationalize some of the issues that you've mentioned. I highly recommend it to you:
Title: Atheism And The Case Against Christ
Author: Matthew S.McCormick
Publisher: Prometheus Books
Best of luck.
I feel that the most obvious question to ask is "where did Cains wife come from?". Why didn't the bible explain when and where they were created? What made Adam and Eve so special that it only speaks of their creation? I haven't read the bible in a very long time so please forgive my ignorance if I just forgot that part after all this time, but I'm pretty damn sure it isn't in there.
It says in the Bible that God created man male and female before it goes into detail about Adam and Eve. When I was a Christian, I understood it to mean that God made several humans, both male and femal, and that Adam and Eve were just the first, and their story was told in detail because of their direct ancestry to Jesus. That was never a tough issue for me. I think the most obvious question is how do you justify the Earth being created before every other star, planet or rock in space?
If your interested, try reading the bible in Aramaic :), you will come to realize that there is no creation in the bible.
Adam and Eve were not the first humans according to the bible.
They were the first in the Paradise/Genna,od the Elion(gods). which is a place which is fortified and protected.
Not what Christians think as what paradise is.(a place in the clouds)
You could say Paradise was a military encampment where you have an area which is surrounded and protected with defensive equipment.