Something Fun To Do, Find the Evil in the World Today

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Cognostic's picture
Something Fun To Do, Find the Evil in the World Today

We recently had Demonic Energy Drinks and Demonic Yoga. I thought it would be fun to create a list of all the Demonic Things in the world today. I know first hand that Tela-tubbies are demonic and so are the Smurfs. Let's just create a list and see how far it goes.

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Cognostic's picture
Monster Energy Drinks are
Cognostic's picture
My Little Pony is not Demonic
Cognostic's picture
Tin Man certainly looks
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: "Tin Man certainly


Attach Image/Video?: 

arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man Re: "Image"
Rohan M.'s picture
In that case, SNL is also
Tin-Man's picture
Absolutely no doubt in my
David Killens's picture
Rock and Roll.
Rohan M.'s picture
Alright. As usual, I've got
SeniorCitizen007's picture
Emmanual Macron ...
liomem's picture
Look at my demonic muslim
arakish's picture
The ultimate: ANYTHING
Rohan M.'s picture
True dat. Religion is so
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
I got this demonic traffic
Rohan M.'s picture
@SSoaBE From what I can tell
Bad Santa's picture
silent fart with a greenish
closetedskeptic's picture
-Beyoncé's live performances
Nyarlathotep's picture
people who dress up animals
David Killens's picture
Shopping carts with one
Tin-Man's picture
@David Re: "Shopping carts
Rohan M.'s picture
@David Killens I disagree; I
arakish's picture
Riding the elevator down, a
Rohan M.'s picture
Just out of curiosity: what
David Killens's picture
Silent but deadly.
David Killens's picture
Slow elevators
Chipperfhu's picture
I had a boss man I'd swear
arakish's picture
Of course, since most "bosses
Rohan M.'s picture
Do you mean ‘boss man’ as in
Cognostic's picture
Lets not forget Demon
Rohan M.'s picture
The sound that is made when


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