We recently had Demonic Energy Drinks and Demonic Yoga. I thought it would be fun to create a list of all the Demonic Things in the world today. I know first hand that Tela-tubbies are demonic and so are the Smurfs. Let's just create a list and see how far it goes.
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Monster Energy Drinks are Demonic
My Little Pony is not Demonic but it might be and Smurfs are definitely demonic.
Tin Man certainly looks demonic:
@Cog Re: "Tin Man certainly looks demonic:"
True. But usually only before I've had my morning cup of coffee. After that I usually perk up a bit.
Attach Image/Video?:
@ Tin-Man Re: "Image"
For some reason, that image reminds me of those guys on SNL. "We will pump you up."
In that case, SNL is also satanic. That, and the fact that they are opposed to Trump!
Absolutely no doubt in my mind that Beaver Cleaver was demonic! Him and that little Eddie Haskell shit.
Rock and Roll.
Damn, I love this tune, even bought the Blue Ray of the concert.
And of course .........
Alright. As usual, I've got yet another long and excessively verbose list:
- Harry Potter
- Video games (except GamerGate)
- Atheism (of course)
- Liberalism
- Being LGBTQ+ or a straight ally
- Being a feminist or pro-feminist
- Abortion
- Birth control
- Condoms
- Premarital sex
- Masturbation
- Any type of sex that is not heterosexual, post-marital, unprotected, and done with the sole purpose of reproduction
- Honest sex education
- Honest biology classes (in other words, evolution)
- Not worshipping Trump and Reagan as gods
- Rock music
- Santa Claus (!)
- Barack Obama
- Hillary Clinton
- You and me
- Comic books
- TV shows
- Every news channel except Fox News
- Every religion except Christianity/Islam (depending on who you ask)
- My Little Pony
- Dora the Explorer
- Richard Dawkins
- Sam Harris
- The (not so) "New Atheists"
- The Freedom From Religion Foundation
- The "Illuminati"
- And basically everything that allows one to have joy or happiness without Jesus/Allah (again, depending on who you ask)
Emmanual Macron ...
Look at my demonic muslim over here :
He tried to let the demon going out from her through the phone call .. It's so demon
The ultimate: ANYTHING religious.
True dat. Religion is so amoral and demonic, that my irony meter (yet another RationalWiki meme, don’t ask) just exploded after the reading on that fact exceeded level 999,999,999,999!
I got this demonic traffic ticket the other day. Does that count?
@SSoaBE From what I can tell from the other comments on this thread, “demonic” means “pet peeve” in this context, so yes, it does count.
However, if you want to list things that religious people find “demonic”, then be our guest.
silent fart with a greenish tint to it is definitely demonic
-Beyoncé's live performances
-anything gender neutral
-schizophrenic persons
people who dress up animals in human clothes
Shopping carts with one faulty wheel
@David Re: "Shopping carts with one faulty wheel"
Oh, hell yeah! HATE getting one of those. Linda Blair's got NOTHIN' on one of those bastards.
Oh, speaking of Linda Blair...
Green pea soup. Oh, and clam chowder. Oh-oh-oh! And foosball! My-my-my my mama says dem are da Debil!
@David Killens I disagree; I have always LOVED that squeaking sound the faulty wheel makes! I find it funny and amusing, and it makes me LOL each time. :-D
And not to mention the way that the wheel swivels round and round as I push the cart... it makes me ROFLOL every time. X-D
Riding the elevator down, a guy gets on, goes down a few floors, but lets loose an awful SBD, he gets off leaving you to go to the lobby.
Just out of curiosity: what does SBD mean?
Silent but deadly.
We learn from each other in this forum.
Slow elevators
I had a boss man I'd swear was a demon one time. Does that count?
Of course, since most "bosses" are evil. Have you never played video games?
Do you mean ‘boss man’ as in “Get 'em, boys!”, ‘boss man’ as in “You’re fired!”, or ‘boss man’ as in the final battle in a videogame? Because I think the first one and the last one are definitely demonic, but I don’t know about the second one- unless of course, The Donald is the one saying it; even more so if he says it while he gets a loan of $1M as small as his hands, one of which he is using to grab a pussycat, and holding a cup of covfefe with the other.
Lets not forget Demon Possessed People:
The sound that is made when fingernails scrape against a chalkboard