With the US Supreme Court deliberating on same sex marriage, what are your thoughts on same sex marriage?
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I believe everyone should have a chance at happiness. I don't base my opinion on biblical teachings...if I did, then men could have numerous wives, rape women, able to marry their dead brother's wife, and sleep with hundreds of women while married. So I don't see why all these "Christians" are having such a hard time with a man/man or woman/woman marriage. If they love each other and want marriage, then they should get it. I just hope they have better luck than I did with marriage. Lol.
I like the quote that if you don't agree with same sex marriage "you're on the wrong side of history". Our next generation will look back on anyone who disagrees with it in the same way we look back on those who disagreed with gender and race equality.
Everyone should be eintitled to marry anyone they want. As long as both people are adults it doesnt matter what their gender is.
As long as they dont harm anyone why would you try to stop them from being happy.
marriage is not straight people´s right. Everyone should be allowed to get married, if that is what they wish to do. Im talking about consensual grown ups.
Marriage is the union of the opposite sex but in today's situation we cannot apply this definition anymore. Same sex marriage is now accepted in the society. And for me, being married is happiness, opportunity and rights a human. Read more here http://personalmoneynetwork.com/moneyblog/2013/04/17/same-sex-marriage-2
Biologically, men are attracted to women. That fact is irrefutably supported by cellular deposition.
However, that does not mean that it's wrong for a man to like another man - I personally think its degrading , gross and psychologically wrong - but outside of clinical studies an mental evaluations, is a world where humans can be humans and do whatever the fuck they want to. Let people be, if you're not gay why would you care? Let people live free . .
However, I do not support same sex marriage. The basis of argumentative thesis for that legal hassle would be what exactly ? "We love each other"? . . If gays can get married, I should be able to marry my dog. And if you scoffed while reading that last sentence would you care to put emotion aside and think? My dog loves me, it's a mammal, it has and real time state of consciousness, and it would enjoy getting fucked in the ass about as much as a normal person would.. Yea that was all..
"If gays can get married, I should be able to marry my dog. And if you scoffed while reading that last sentence would you care to put emotion aside and think? My dog loves me, it's a mammal, it has and real time state of consciousness, and it would enjoy getting fucked in the ass about as much as a normal person would.. Yea that was all.."
what you just committed is a slippery slope logical fallacy.
Because with that logic you demonstrated, if humans eat meat, then we can eat all meat, including human, right? Or how about since sex happens in hetero and homosexual relationships we should then also have sex with animals right?
BTW the APA, American Psychological Association, doesn't call homosexuality as wrong or a disease, http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/sexual-orientation.aspx
"Since 1975, the American Psychological Association has called on psychologists to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with lesbian, gay, and bisexual orientations. The discipline of psychology is concerned with the well-being of people and groups and therefore with threats to that well-being. The prejudice and discrimination that people who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual regularly experience have been shown to have negative psychological effects. This information is designed to provide accurate information for those who want to better understand sexual orientation and the impact of prejudice and discrimination on those who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual."
Tavares not every men is attracted to women nor every women is attracted to men: this means being gay and gays are human. when u make the comparisson between same sex marriage and marrying your dog, u r taking consense out of the equation because you never know for sure that ur dog wants to marry you (it will never tell you "yes ill marry you i love you"). In the other hand humans do have the capacity to talk, comunicate, and agreeing. If liking a man is degrading then straight women are vile.
The anus is filled with sensitive nerve endings, if u try anal sex u might end up enjoying it yourself. ;)
also, there are countries that legalized same sex marriage, and I don't think human/dog marriages are on the rise in those countries...
Do you really think it would be that hard to write a law sanctioning marriage between two consenting adults?
Your objection is fallacious and silly.
I don't think that the government should be, in any way, involved in marriage straight or gay. Last will and testaments should carry more wait than what any family member says as well. the legal system should whatever bonding contracts people commit to each other, but the government should not be interested in peoples lives the way they are. However, if straight people can marry in the gov, then gays, even polygamists, should also.
Dogs cannot say no, that should be illegal.
There is a long, long list of rights that gay couples don't have, because the laws are written to give those rights only to legally married couples. SOMETIMES contracts can handle a very short list of issues: child support, shared property, prenuptial agreements, and wills and inheritance. But you need statutory law, not just a contract, to get equal rights on insurance coverage, compensation for service-related deaths, income tax filing status and deductions, tax-free property transfers, Social Security, veteran’s pensions and disability, disabled vets tax exemptions, and relocation benefits for military families, survivor benefits and continuation of health care for surviving spouses, organ donor issues, next-of-kin status, parental rights, access to school records, alimony, child custody, adoption, foster care, homestead laws, water rights, spousal assets as a factor in determining need for government aid (VA benefits, housing, educational loans, farm price supports), name changes, domestic violence laws, spousal privilege for criminal witnesses, prison and hospital visitation, conflict-of-interest rules, medical decisions, funeral decisions, condominium laws and bankruptcy.
I think the only reason why same sex marriage does not make sense is for reproductive reasons in case they both wanted to have their children carry their genetic traits.
marriage is about love and companionship not about reproduction. the same thing you wrotte above can happen to a stragiht couple if one of them is infertile.
We should stop calling it same sex marriage or gay marriage cause we dont call straight marriage to marriage.