No one takes me seriously!!!!

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The Atheist's picture
No one takes me seriously!!!!

My Dad and his family are all Catholic and my Mum and her family are all Greek Orthodox, unfortunately I had no say in the matter of me getting baptised and I was unfortunately baptised Catholic. Throughout my childhood I didn't know any better that the Catholic church was hypnotising me into their ways. My parents made me complete all my sacraments with me non the wiser. I always get into heated arguments with my family about religion. Once on good friday my parents weren't eating any meat but I decided it was my choice and I cooked some up, my dad ripped it from my mouth. I don't know why they just can't accept that I have a right to believe in what I want, I am not breaking the law... I don't have to believe in anything just because they do, it doesn't give them a right to laugh at me for my opinion. Not to mention I am at a Catholic high school were they tell you to shut up and sit down if you saying anything against god.. I told my grandma that when I was to get married I wanted to have a celebrant and not to have it in a church, she called up my mum and they were laughing about me being an Atheist. She said that it was just a phase, she told her just because I prayed and 'god didn't answer me' I have started to lose faith. The thing is non of that is true. I have stepped back and seen that the catholic church is like a cult. They brainwash you from a young age, all they say is pray and everything is going to be alright. But the truth is it isn't because it is all make believe and I don't want to be apart of anything like that. Why does no on around me respect my decision? What can I tell them to see that I am serious?

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CyberLN's picture
1. I take you seriously, and
Tomarr's picture
Cyber is right. If you are
Ellie Harris's picture
I'm 40 yrs old and my
Zaphod's picture
Yeah man, I take it seriously
Mythlover's picture
Can't really escape that
Lmale's picture
I think i know something you
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I was in your same exact
Lmale's picture
In a sense i was lucky i was

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