This must be a dilemma for feminists??

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Terminal Dogma's picture
The reply was not to you.

The reply was not to you.

It was to this post, which was closed by how equal we are, illogic.


Yeah its kind of sad when us males, the true apes of the species, just cannot admit that the female species is actually superior"

Tin-Man's picture
@Term-dog Re: "Yeah its

@Term-dog Re: "Yeah its kind of sad when us males, the true apes of the species, just cannot admit that the female species is actually superior"

Oh, you poor lad. If you do not understand that statement, I am afraid you are showing your young age and lack of experience. I have been following this thread in a general manner (mostly out of curiosity), but have refrained from becoming directly involved in the discussion. Why? Because the others have been doing a rather fine job of shredding you, and I saw no need in adding one more blade to the fray. That being said, I saw this statement that you seem to condemn and find confusing, and thought to myself, "Hmmmm.... I've actually used that phrase in one form or another myself several times throughout the years, and I think it makes a great deal of sense. Perhaps poor Term-dog is just too young to fully understand it, and he needs somebody to explain it to him properly." So - Ta-dah! - here I am. Please pay attention. There may be a test after....

Having read most of your posts, it would seem somewhere along the line you have either completely misunderstood, or you have intentionally ignored, what it means when it is stated men and women are equal. Simply put (and I will try to use small/simple words for you), it means... we.... are... all... humans. It means we all deserve the same (EQUAL) rights and privileges as human beings. So, are you with me so far?... Okay. Now, getting back to the statement that seems to have caused you so much angst, you obviously believe it to be a direct contradiction to the whole "We are equal" claim. Tsk-tsk... What a shame. Been in many relationships, young man? I'm guessing "No", or you would likely understand the statement for what it is.

Here's the thing.... Generally speaking, we males of the species really are sometimes just barely above apes in our ways of thinking. Not saying we are dumb or stupid. Nothing to do with intellect. I'm saying we are basically just more primal with our decision making and our attitudes. "Grrr... You no agree with me? Grrr... We fight now!" And that is where the women come in. They help keep our Cro Magnon brains in check. And they do it in such a way that is almost mystical and supernatural. They do it in such a way that most of the time we are not even aware it is happening. And those fine ladies who are truly gifted are able to do it in such a way that we even believe it was our own idea to begin with. My wonderful wife has certainly used this control method on me many-many times that I am aware. And I shudder to think of how many times she may have used it without my knowing it. She is quite the master of the skill. So, yes, men and women are equal as humans and should have equal rights as such. But make no mistake, lad, the female of the species is most definitely superior. The quicker you learn to accept that, the happier your life will be. "chuckle*

arakish's picture


**a sight to behold, a tree has actually gotten up onto a table... whooaaa... and then actually begins to clap and raise a ruckus**


Bravo! But I think you lost him at "@Term-dog".


Aposteriori unum's picture
No, motherfucker... no one is

No, motherfucker... no one is saying women are superior to men. We are all saying the same thing, except you, that women are equal.

Terminal Dogma's picture
Would appear some active

Would appear some active members want this place to be a leftist echo chamber and cheer leading squad instead of a debate forum to share ideas.

Prolly why the left is becoming a bit on the nose for a lot of folks lately.

Aposteriori unum's picture
I'm not on the left. At. All.

I'm not on the left. At. All. So your point is moot. I'm just a better human than those who disparage other people based on things that they can't control about themselves.

Sushisnake's picture


Re: "Would appear some active members want this place to be a leftist echo chamber and cheer leading squad instead of a debate forum to share ideas."

It would appear none of the right wing forum members share your ideas on transgender women and feminism because nobody's backing you up. We both know there are right wing members, don't we TermDog? Because they greeted you in your very first thread. The one where you said:

"Hi all, I am an atheist who does not support contemporary left wing ideology and politics anymore. I am treated as tho you can't be an atheist if you are not leftist first."

Seems to me we don't lack right wing members- hell, Apost's one and he's told you so repeatedly. Seems to me we're not a leftist echo chamber at all. I think your problem is the right wingers here aren't alt right/alt-lite and that's why you have no support in this thread.

Re: "Prolly why the left is becoming a bit on the nose for a lot of folks lately."

Not quite as on the nose as the far right is- not after Charlottesville.

arakish's picture
@Terminal Dogmatism

@Terminal Dogmatism

I know that this post was directed at me and this post and this post I made.

I know it is not my fault Flamenca, but sorry you got caught in the cross-fire.

Terminal Dogma, next time put the "at" (@) symbol followed by username for the direction of your comments. It does help avoid confusion.

I shall be the first to admit that perhaps I should have elaborated on what I meant by "superior" and "equal."

I neglected to elaborate because most persons who are on the same level of education as I am, tend to know exactly what I meant. It only seems you did not. Thus, I apologize for not elaborating for those who may not know of what I meant when I say the female species is "superior" to us male apes, yet they are also our "equals".

Superiority: Females are superior when it comes to the physiological level. They out live us by what ?about 10 years? on average. You do the research. I already know they out live us by quite a few years ON AVERAGE. Females also have this NATURAL uncanny sense of understanding and reasoning that surpasses ANYTHING us males have. We have to train ourselves to be able to use it. And even then it still does not compare to what the females have naturally. Some call this "common sense," but that is a misnomer. And finally, none shall ever compare to the females when it comes to caring and nurturing. Us males just ain't got it. Again, us males have to train ourselves. And again, we shall never compare to what the females have naturally.

Equality: No matter what, when it comes to natural or created rights, male = female = human. This is a given, and I cannot comprehend how you could not already know this.

And I can read your mind. What about strength? What about physical aerobic capacity?

What about them? They do not make us males superior in any way. In fact, they make us inferior, making us natural war-like barbaric apes.

However, they do provide us with the means to protect the superior, yet equal, member of the species in order to perpetuate the species.

κατανοώ τώρα?


arakish's picture
@everyone and anyone

@everyone and anyone

OK. I am confused. What in hell is the left-right thing? I do understand the Conservative-Liberal thing, but just do no comprehend this left-right thing.

Can someone please give me that DiNozzo smack and wake me up?



Terminal Dogma's picture
@arakish, apart from age

@arakish, apart from age your post was unsubstantiated in fact some might call sexist. Also you say about mens strength (physical) but can't bring yourself to say the word superior about it, just thought that was funny in the context of your whole post.

You say women on average live longer, I agree, but you made a claim of physiology - that Sir needs to medically substantiated. Could there be other explanations like men doing the most danger and dirty Jobs so women don't have to. How would that fit in your model as men the patriarchal, misogynistic sexists - oh it wouldn't, it would refute it.

Also thanks for explaining in detail the replygate scandal. I would have eventually but the fireworks based on an incorrect assumption was entertaining.

Aposteriori unum's picture
Welcome to the world of

Welcome to the world of atheists t dog. When christians are wrong we don't hesitate to tear them apart, but when an atheist is wrong... holy shit, it's a shred fest.

Acknowledge the points being made.

Sexism is wrong.
Feminism is not sexist.
Transgender people are the gender they become.
All humans deserve the same basic rights.
This is not a political issue.
You are wrong.

Pretty soon, if you continue to not understand, one of us is going to force understanding down your throat. And pray to your Alex Jones that tin man is the one and not me. Because im going to do it with fire and fury.

Terminal Dogma's picture
First you accuse me of having

First you accuse me of having sex with my mother then you threaten me with physical violence - consider yourself ignored, I won't stoop to your level.

Aposteriori unum's picture
You stupid son of a bitch...

You stupid son of a bitch... neither one of those things is true. Do you live in America? Do you understand English the way it used in the USA? To you read books? Do you know what metaphors and similes are?

I believe you do. You are just acting like a cornered badger. ( That's a similie) you have nothing left so you have to invent offenses to defend against. But you have nothing to defend with... you are vacuous and petty.

Not one person here accused you of incest and not one person here has threatened you with physical violence. And you know it! You are dishonest and absurd! If anything demonstrates that it's your last statement.

Sushisnake's picture


Re: "First you accuse me of having sex with my mother then you threaten me with physical violence...."

Seriously?! SERIOUSLY?!

Ah me! That's the biggest belly laugh I've had all day! I spat coffee all over myself AGAIN!

*Note to self: do not eat or drink while reading TermDog's posts. It's a choking hazard.*

arakish's picture


You remember my first unwritten commandment? Or, have I not told it to you?

Thou shalt not be drinking whilst reading any posts at a forum board.

Notice the operative word above is "any" due to the fact you can never know when something may strike that laugh reflex.


Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TD

@ TD

"I won't stoop to your level"

Stoop? STOOP? Dear child you would have to get a pilots licence and fucking FLY to get anywhere near Aposteri Unum's level. If you really want an ad hominem pissing contest better get your tissue box ready pwincess, there are several here itching to tear you a hole where some fucking sense can pour into your head.

Do you ever read your comments back to yourself and wonder what sort of ignorant pussy fart could write shite that denigrated over 50% of the human race?


*"pussy" as in CAT...if you smelt my cat's farts you would know how terrible an insult that is. As Bumble said "Meat Marm, its the meat"

arakish's picture
Terminal Dogma

Terminal Dogma

First you accuse me of having sex with my mother then you threaten me with physical violence - consider yourself ignored, I won't stoop to your level.


You lost me. I have gone back re-read this thread three times. For the life of me, I cannot find where anyone said this: "you accuse me of having sex with my mother";

and this:

"threaten me with physical violence".

Can you please show where this happened? All I have seen is metaphors and similes. Hell, even I use them sometimes.


Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish and All Others

@Arakish and All Others interested Re: Threats at Term-dog

*standing at podium with a megaphone*.....*feedback squeal*.... Ow, dammit....*adjusts volume*.... Testing... Testing....Okay, good. Now, listen up, everybody! I can't believe I'm having to explain such an obvious thing to you guys! When you are addressing Term-dog, you have to keep in mind that he views the world and conversation/debates much the same way theists view their precious holy books! In other words, if you say anything factual that does not agree with his personal view/opinion, then you are speaking "metaphorically" and "straying from the topic". Likewise, if you are speaking using metaphores/analogies/similies, and it is something he does not agree with, THEN he chooses to believe you are stating literal facts in a stupid manner. How is it nobody else has noticed that yet? Hellllll-oooooo....! I'm the brainless court jester here, remember? I tell ya, if I have to keep explaining things like this to you guys, I'm gonna start asking for a raise. Anyway, as long as you all realize Term-dog is a "Conversation Cherry-Picker", I do believe things will go much smoother from now on! Carry on, folks!....*rides away from podium on a unicycle while juggling a variety of fruits*...

Sushisnake's picture


Re: "OK. I am confused. What in hell is the left-right thing? I do understand the Conservative-Liberal thing, but just do no comprehend this left-right thing."

I'd love to oblige, but I'm not sure I can. Seems to me reducing everything down to left/right is a fool's errand. About as useful as the good/evil dichotomy. It tells you nothing and it takes you nowhere. It's political tribalism at it's most basic. It allows no subtlety, no shades of meaning. No new information can or will penetrate the skulls of its subscribers unless it fits their confirmation bias. It really is terminal dogma: the thought train terminates there.
It's a lot like a religion, right down to the presuppositionalism. The clearest demonstration of how fucking stupid and dangerous it is can be seen at otherwise peaceful marches, when mouthy little right wing bully boys meet mouthy little left wing bully boys, start violent shit and hurt innocent bystanders. Every time I see the fuckwits on the news, this song goes through my head:

"Antifa", my arse: the original Antifa must be spinning in their graves. Both "antifa" and their opposite number are angry little boys looking for something new to hit. Sooo productive.

Of course, the short answer in this case is the left is anything and everything TermDog hates and the right is anything and everything TermDog loves. Doesn't help much, does it? As I said, it tells you nothing and takes you nowhere.

Terminal Dogma's picture
Stating ANTIFA as angry boys

Stating ANTIFA as angry boys reflects your gender bias.

There are thuggish women on left and right I am sure but I have only seen violent women on the left, lots of them, violent, angry, Close minded and obnoxious.

I am guessing they are on the right as well but I just don't see them out in numbers committing assualt and property crime like women aligned with the left.

In fact the mass organised violence of the left is precisely where I began my "deconversion" from them.

Sushisnake's picture


Re: "... reflects your gender bias."

There ain't no gender equality in criminality, son. Men commit the majority of violent and property crimes. Always have. There's lots of theories about why- evolutionary pressures, resting heart rate, high testosterone levels:

Re: " There are thuggish women on left and right I am sure but I have only seen violent women on the left, lots of them, violent, angry, Close minded and obnoxious.

I am guessing they are on the right as well but I just don't see them out in numbers committing assualt and property crime like women aligned with the left."

Got anything to back that claim up? Something that proves left wing women are...what was it again? ..."Thuggish", "violent, angry. Close minded and obnoxious."? Or are we just supposed to believe it because you said it? Anecdotes ain't anecdata.

By the way, I love the escape hatch you tried to give yourself by lumping property crime and violent assault together. It's an epic fail, because men commit much more of both than women do, but nice try.

Terminal Dogma's picture
@sushi, how many more times

@sushi, how many more times you going to change then shift your own topic. You even used the word clearly about what crime you were talking about;

"The clearest demonstration of how fucking stupid and dangerous it is can be seen at otherwise peaceful marches, when mouthy little right wing bully boys meet mouthy little left wing bully boys, start violent shit and hurt innocent bystanders."

Another distortion you made is shifting from conservative women at organised protests versus leftist women at same protests. You deceptively changed the topic to all crimes committed by men versus women which is irrelevant to the point...Nice.

Sushisnake's picture


Re: "sushi, how many more times you going to change then shift your own topic..."

How have I shifted my topic? I said "bully boys" because most of the violence is perpetrated by boys/men. Most of the crime is perpetrated by boys/men, too- whether you're talking violent or property crime. It's a cold, hard fact.

You want an example of what I was talking about? Here's one:

Thats where^ your left/right stupidity leads, you idiot.

Still waiting for your proof about thuggish, angry, violent left wing women, by the way.

I'll be waiting a loong time, won't I? Because you've got nothing except unsupported/insupportable claims, ad homs and whines about being persecuted.
"... you accuse me of having sex with my mother then you threaten me with physical violence..." FFS! Grow up, snowflake.

Re: "- consider yourself ignored, I won't stoop to your level."
If you ignore everyone who disagrees with your stupid opinions, you're going to find this forum a very lonely place. Consider yourself warned.

Terminal Dogma's picture
@sushi, the only position I

@sushi, the only position I've stated is one of equality. The rest is your Cherry picking and false allegations in your virtue signalling search for a boogey man, bias much.

Sushisnake's picture


"@sushi, the only position I've stated is one of equality. The rest is your Cherry picking and false allegations in your virtue signalling search for a boogey man, bias much."

"Bias much"

Dishonest, much? Where are my false allegations? I've QUOTED you! Here, I'll do it again.

‘ brave, you go girl all 100+ kg 6ft +. Hope zhe doesn't kill some other girl’

‘I think zhe has an awesome jawline most guys would envy.’

’...this "women"’

‘The Idiot’

‘no actual female’

‘it tried...’

‘non artificially enhanced women’

Re: " search for a boogey man...."

You're not the bogey man, lad. You're just a gullible alt-lite mouth piece and a piss poor one at that. When you're challenged you fall back on ad homs and whinge you're being misrepresented. Or you change the subject

* TermDog wrings hands and wails* " Mum! They're pushing back on my transgender opinions!" TermDog's mum: " Then start ranting about feminist ideology again, son." TermDog " Oh yeah! Good idea! Thanks, mum."

The supreme irony is I could have made your argument about transgender women athletes for you. There IS scientific literature out there to support it. Outdated, yes- it's 30 years old- but it's out there. I read it, expecting you to present it, but you didn't. You could have found opinion pieces, too - again, they'd have been easily discredited, but still, they're out there. Instead you kicked an own goal- gave us a Guardian article that argues our case and shits on yours. Oh. And an opinion without citation. Not even a name. You gave us that, too.

Looks like I gave you way too much credit, doesn't it?

Flamenca's picture
I enjoyed every single one of

I enjoyed every single one of today's last answers. And after noticing how @TD was trying for the whole thread to reduce the view on equality to a question of left and right -and with such puerile arguments- this needs to be highlighted:

reducing everything down to left/right is a fool's errand. About as useful as the good/evil dichotomy. It tells you nothing and it takes you nowhere. It's political tribalism at it's most basic. It allows no subtlety, no shades of meaning. No new information can or will penetrate the skulls of its subscribers unless it fits their confirmation bias. It really is terminal dogma: the thought train terminates there.

@Sushi, olé!

Terminal Dogma's picture
I bet you guys wonder how and

I bet you guys wonder how and why Trump got elected.

Flamenca's picture
"I bet you guys wonder how

@TD: "I bet you guys wonder how and why Trump got elected." I have a clue, lack of education and an understanding are surely factors (you're the living proof for this), and I'm a Spaniard and we elected our own Trump twice (and btw he was fired by our Congress last Friday due to corruption scandals) so it's enough for me to worry about my domestic politics. Remember this forum is full of people from all around the world, not just US citizens.

P.S. Did you enjoy last night's shower? Oh boy...

Edit: Oh, no @Sushi... In Australia as well?

Sushisnake's picture


Re: "I bet you guys wonder how and why Trump got elected."

Nope. Not at all. Not one little bit. But unfortunately, you're off topic. If you want to start a thread about Trump, go ahead- but it has nothing to do with this thread.

Edit: We did, too, @Flamenca- two of them: a moron called Tony Abbott, whose party ditched him as PM before the electorate turned up with flaming torches, pitchforks and a rope, and a moroness called Pauline Hanson, whose party's imploded (yet again) because her base cottoned on to what she is (yet again).

CyberLN's picture
@TD, I know how he got

@TD, I know how he got elected, and it wasn’t by a majority vote of the U.S. citizenry.


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