The Metropolitan Opera, is airing live recorded opera, since it has now been closed for the season due to the covid 19 pathogen.
If you have never seen opera, or a it is for free. No god needed to enjoy.
Thank you met.
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Thank you very much doG, already bookmarked and ready to watch. And of course, listen.
I sim race a lot, which is my outlet for my competitive behavior. But that is just one component of my gaming. I also play a very slow turn-based world conquest game called "Civilization V". I turn the game sound down low, and listen to YouTube videos, principally classical music. Although I can be identified as a rock-and-roller, classical music really is honey to my ears, and a soothes my soul. Since operas can last a long time, I get one going, and thoroughly enjoy the fantastic music.
NP...I am hooked on BF5 right now...although I can remember many years past, being hooked on Colin McRae Rally at a disturbing level. Not really a present day sim, but just as addicting. Love have some nice tracks in your neck of the woods...Mosport and Shannonville are super fun.
@ doG
Since I live just a 90 minute drive from Mosport, I frequent that track a lot. Since it has been around since the 1960's, it has been through various ownerships. There have been times when it was properly maintained, some not. But the new ownership has maintained it very well, it is like a high quality camping ground.
Attach Image/Video?:
Thats a long hike, but mosses corner is a great place to watch. Double apex with two seperate lines, leading to the longest backstrait ever, equals noisey noisey, but for fans, its awesome. Been on that track hundreds of times...high speed fun. My first track day there and trophy was at a PCA event a cornerworkers best driver trophy...there was nothing like passing almost all porsches in the enduro, in the field, in the rain, in my 1.8T VW...LOL. (I knew the wet line). One of the best moments in my life, was recieving that trophy in front of a bunch of inflated ego porsche owners beaten by a near stock turbo golf...still makes me smile to this day.
#doG: Kwel: I have liked some and disliked others but I will certainly give it a watch.
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