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aldon's picture


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aldon's picture
did darwin say we evolve from

did darwin say we evolve from apes? and where

Randolf Richardson's picture
Humans did not evolve from

Humans did not evolve from any of the modern-day species knows as "apes," rather they both diverged from a common ancestor approximately 5 to 9 million years ago, resulting in the two separate lineages -- people and modern apes.

Charles Darwin presented a set of theories about how life evolved over a very long period of time. After presenting this theory, he responded to questions, commentary, and criticisms about his great works with impartiality (he was an excellent scientist), and I suspect he did so with the hope of gaining further discovery in addition to helping others understand his theories.

Over time, many scientists have been inspired by his theories and the vast majority of it has been proven to the point where the general idea is overwhelmingly considered to be fact. In this era we live in now, when science explains a lot more about how and why our global environment (and everything in it including people) interacts and functions by using Logical, Objective, Verifiable Evidence (L.O.V.E.), the place for superstitions like religion have been increasingly losing popularity because educated people nowadays tend to be better at critical thinking.

Glossary - L.O.V.E. (Logical, Objective, Verifiable Evidence)

If you have some way of refuting theories or established facts, you are certainly more than welcome to make your case and submit it to an appropriate scientific journal for peer review. Scientists are generally willing to consider reasonable arguments for or against existing facts and theories because a better understanding is beneficial to progress, which is one of the fundamental driving forces of scientific research (so please do regard this as a form of encouragement).

timberghost's picture
There is so much verifiable

There is so much verifiable proof that there exists a wonderful and loving God.....and this marvelous God is a person,.....you want to know what he looks like? Just look at yourself.....look at your child's hand? Look into the eyes of someone who truly loves you....look at the miracle of the cosmos. The proof of God is abounding everywhere and it's shouting out your name.....calling you out from the anarchy of chaos.;no L.O.V.E is not LOVE....sorry. Real love......truly---- real love is God expressed!

aMan's picture
So then, what is T'ghost

So then, what is T'ghost really trying to say? IMHO, it looks as though he confesses that now he does not, he cannot and will not ever know his own life living experience in the all of All. And, in view of his use of the classical greek notions I wonder if T'ghost has read the myth of the cave?
I can appreciate T'ghost as he defers his mindwork to the human made sound g-o-d, afterall, it does suit well all that one does not, cannot, and will not know.

timberghost's picture
I like your profile name

I like your profile name "aMan," very apropos because man is God's main consideration in His creation. After all He, considers man to be His masterpiece. Everything He has done and is doing, is all wrapped up with man.

Anyhow, in trying to attempt any understanding of God from our human mind is difficult at best, mainly because "God is Spirit," which is impossible for man to grasp when he is using the wrong organ . As long as man stays in his mind, he can never truly "know" God. He must use a different part of his being. A part that every human has had brilliantly installed in the center of his being, the part of man of course I am referring to is the human spirit. The human spirit is the only "logical" organ to use to "objectively verify the evidence of God's existence.

It's no more logical to try to fathom the nature of God and His purpose with our minds; than it is logical use our heads to tear down walls. Paul said it perfect in saying "the mind set on the flesh is death , but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. Though our mind is a part of our soul and not actually our flesh---( the flesh we use to contact the things in the physical realm)--- our soul which houses our mind, emotion and will, is available to use as a vehicle to contact our human spirit, which is where we contact and enjoy God. Philosophy is great, but it can only help us to find the way to our spirit --- in of itself, it can not take us all the way there, the fantastic places our mind can only imagine. However I'm sure Philosophy has been beneficial to some who have accidentally tripped over their human spirits and in one miraculous instance of self revelation--- drank of the living waters freely and thus verified God and His Spirit--- absolutely, the "All that is in All."

Henry Plantagenet's picture
WOW! When trying to figure

WOW! When trying to figure out religious issues, we're not allowed to use our brains?? LOL!
This is the closest the religious have come, to admitting that as soon as we bring our brains to bear on the subject of divinity, God collapses.

aMan's picture
When the it was only the

When the it was only the animal( human) and unknowable events occurred a natural basic Philosophy took hold. In that animal( human) thing instincts very likely led the way to its ongoing life's successful reproduction. It was an animal, the paranthetic ( human) implies that state of being was there. That animal had nothing and knew nothing in its life functional needs of or for theology.

The theology you grasp at, in your reply, did not occur until in very recent time. At that time true, the animal( human) had long since died out and the life thing which had long since taken its place is the human human-being. Of the two the human is a lesser bing, the human-being is the better thing. And, only the human-being knows the human, but in full mind- so to speak, that combined effect makes the better human life. That combined effect is the pure end of philosophy. Theology does nothing for a good and better life for all in the All. Unless, the theological aim is selfishness, is this good?

aMan's picture
What is theology? Is it

What is theology? Is it really only an ongoing mythical telling aimed at saving 'one' whatever chosen idea? Or, did it begin as a means between the human human-being and a better life existence? "In the beginning"- which is human speech, was it supposed to serve as inspiration? The easiest idea for such life living comprehension lay in the accounts of the Kama Sutra, Adam and Eve, the ancient Chinese principles of a female and a male. The possible "inspiration"- in these accounts, is simply that the two fundamental humans are not mere animals.

For those ancient primitive minded humans, such ideas were new and better, rape and sexual ravaging soon became marks of the four legged beasts, etc. This new sexual identity was then and is good, still.

timberghost's picture
What was all that?

What was all that?

timberghost's picture
I think my mind is not

I think my mind is not adequate to get the subtle inferences you were making. I can tell you have done some serious considering in these deep matters for sure. I'm glad sometimes though, that I have a spirit to turn to when my faculties let me down, which is quite a bit. Truth is I enjoy God more... because when I enjoy the Lord, I find my love for man increases many fold automatically.

Science and Philosophy just never satisfies me completely like Jesus does, it's not even close----though I think it is crucial for man to have science and philosophy for sure but man can't make it without his Creator. Man's Creator made him to not feel what total satisfaction is without possessing His life in his spirit.

aMan's picture
Of the Jesus satisfaction,

Of the Jesus satisfaction, that storybook character was "not declared" a god in Europe until @1600s. And, that declaration was ok'd by only a majority vote, it was not a unanimous vote. The voting body was not the European masses, ths vast number of people were still in the dark ages. The voting body was a select few. So, the human political process was still then very much the concern of all people.

But, of your spirit, what is it and where did it come from, and how do you 'know' you can turn to it?

timberghost's picture
Wow....aMan---you have really

Wow....aMan---you have really done some research! Empirical evidence is the main reason I believe very scholarly people like yourself have such a hard time with us Christian, because as I am attempting to put into words something which unfortunately cannot be put on a Petri dish in order to examine. The Bible has gone through a long history of prodding and poking and Councils, and as you probably know, one can't call themselves a History Major if they don't have an adequate knowledge of the Bible. Nevertheless, What most believers will tell you---"Zechariah 12:1" if God did stretch forth the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth and put the spirit of man within him? He surely could preserve a book to be exactly what He intended it to be....and if it's true that He made man, why shouldn't He be able to use man's hand as His writing implement. Back to the heart of man though---if God put the spirit of man within him....He must of also had something in mind because we can easily see the marvelous order in the universe He created, now bear me out just a bit more.

If God in the Bible says He is One, yet with Three distinct manifestations( Triune= Three One: not Three in One) and He made man after his likeness? Then the Bible reveals man has three parts just like God has, except the three parts aren't the Father ,the Son, and the Spirit (Triune) , man has his spirit, soul and body. The human spirit basically serves three functions:to distinguish right from wrong through the CONSCIENCE; and to perceive and be led by the INTUITION: and to FELLOWSHIP with God; Now you probably noticed I've used man's heart interchangeably with man's spirit. That is because man's heart is the leading part of man's spirit and it is also like a conduit that connects his spirit to his SOUL which is also three parts : mind, emotion and will....the body we will leave alone right now because it's not as relevant to the illustration.

So if this is all not conjecture , and is true, and is not a lie....then why did God give man a human spirit....so that man could be organically joined to God, and God's Word the Bible is not dead letters, it is actually God's very breath( Inspired in some translations is rather short: in the Greek the word is "Pneuma" or breath)....and when man takes in God's breath by reading His Word with his spirit, something of the greatest mystery in the universe happens...man turns to God and falls in love with God as in the Person of Jesus Christ...and this Person is the Creator and He is the altogether most lovely One in the universe....God became a man in Christ Jesus who died a vicarious death for all man , for all time and condemned sin in the flesh (He trapped God's enemy satan--- that is in every man's flesh and Christ's body became the snare that trapped the "flesh of sin" and therefore became the Holy Lamb of God and redeemed man for Himself ---through Christ for ever) for the purpose of being able to make His people His bride and together live as One as the "super excellent couple" in the Kingdom that is without end.

The Bible is a history book for sure....but much much greater, it is God's very breath that is organic and the only REAL food we could ever eat....and if you summed up the Bible it is the greatest love story of all time, but with one BIG difference----it's true and operative and alive and will be for all eternity! You can turn to your spirit very easily.....read and breath the Word of God in His Bible!

Henry Plantagenet's picture
Sez you.

Sez you.

By the way, the Bible has more historical errors than pretty much any book in history except Mein Kampf and perhaps Qaddafi's green book.

timberghost's picture
Sorry about my terrible

Sorry about my terrible punctuation and run on sentences...

131's picture
Dogmatic, brainwashed drivel.

Dogmatic, brainwashed drivel. The sort of rubbish the JWs spout at my front door as they're telling me my life is empty without Jesus. I don't require an external omnipotent entity looking after me to feel I have a full and happy life, my life is better without the distraction.

Lucy Marsh's picture
If god is all powerful, why

If god is all powerful, why did he not make everyone believe in him? Why did he not prevent all the evil and horrific events from happening? Why are people suffering in poverty? And do not give me that 'god gave us free will' drivel, that is just a cop out when there's no logical answer to the question. If I were god and I had created everything and humans having free will was making a mess of something beautiful then they wouldn't have free will for long. I cannot believe in something there is zero evidence for. Whenever I've asked for evidence not one believer has provided anything but symbolic waffle. There is however, much more evidence that suggests that god does not exist and I cannot fathom for a second why someone would choose to base their lives on fiction instead.

Henry Plantagenet's picture
Bob Ingersoll asked the same

Bob Ingersoll asked the same questions -- if God made men in such a flawed way that he almost immediately decided he had to drown almost all of mankind, and then put both the tree of knowledge AND the devil in the garden to tempt this obviously weak and clueless man....isn't God responsible for everything that happened? And second question, why did God only give his word to a small community at one end of the Mediterranean sea, rather than telling everybody around the globe, so as to prevent 2000 years of sectarian fighting?

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