Differences between an Atheist and an Asshole

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bluio's picture
Differences between an Atheist and an Asshole

First of all I'm a 100% Atheist and I'm writing this is because i felt that the Atheist Republic Facebook page kind of annoys me when they post images such as "Lesson from the Bible" and "Lesson from the Quran". Even though i know it is just a joke but i felt that it is more of a insult than a joke.

First of all there is a differences between being a Joker and an totally Asshole. Joker makes everyone laugh but Asshole only make other assholes laugh. I just feel that even as an Atheist we should respect other religion despite we are the only one who don't believe in any god at all.

I currently staying in Singapore which consist of multiple religion as it is a multiracial country which make me respect other's religion even though i don't believe in it. Just felt that by posting that kind of picture is more of an Asshole moves trying to joke about others religion. It will result in more non-Atheist and religion extremism to hate us even more!

As an Atheist we should make other non-Atheist feel that even without "GOD" we are still able to live our life to the fullest and spread the love instead of more hatred. Some lines are never meant to be crossed and by posting that you have totally cross it....

Just sharing my thoughts though and I'm open to your opinion so please don't flame me. Peace :)

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AnimalLeader's picture
I completely agree with you.

I completely agree with you. There should be no mocking of any kind from an atheist towards any religion. People that do that are showing insecurity and lack intelligence.

Rob's picture
A truly smart human being

A truly smart human being will never mock others for their lack of understsanding. You help enlighten those that are open to it, but those that are closeminded will never change until they mature enough to accept that their point of view is wrong.

Henry Plantagenet's picture
Some Christians -- especially

Some Christians -- especially the dangerous ones -- really need to be mocked. It's good and salutary for the health of society to tear down liars and bigots.

Matty Arnold's picture
I respect everyone's right to

I respect everyone's right to have an opinions, but I absolutely do not have to respect the opinion itself. Do you respect the opinions of Hitler? Mao Zedong? I was quite confused when I first saw the two cartoons, because they aren't even mocking religion - they've directly quoted the books. No joke has been made, they're pointing something out. If you find it funny, well then that's kind of a testament to how terrible some of the things those books say are.

Respect for religion has been manufactured by religion in order to protect itself, and we have to advance past that for a few reasons. For one, respecting someone's opinion despite not agreeing with it is really quite patronizing. You're effectively saying, "Sure, you can just carry on believing that." That's the way you talk to a child, not an adult! If you truly want to respect someone, you should challenge their beliefs if you disagree, and I wish more people would recognize that. I want to better myself whenever possible. If I have gone round believing something that is wrong, and people have known I was wrong and said nothing, I would be devastated. I want someone to say "Actually, I disagree because of..." If I realize they're right, then I have improved my own beliefs, and if not, I have reinforced my previous ones. Challenging your beliefs is the only way our knowledge can advance, so challenging someone's opinion should be seen as truly more respectful than leaving them to believe it. It's no wonder that challenging currently held theories and hypotheses is a big part of how the scientific community functions.

Walker's picture
Assholes are usually ignorant

Assholes are usually ignorant people, and they could easily be atheists too. Just like they can be christians or muslims.

James Evans's picture
I think that we should

I think that we should ridicule religion. They would not offer us, or any religion other than their own, the kind of respect that someone like the asker might show them. Why should religion be given another thing that they can do to others, but no one can get away with doing to them? There are, of course, limits. One should attempt to insult the religion, without necessarily insulting its followers. If you consider a person who goes to church once a week, drinks wine as a substitute for their lord's blood, and eats little biscuits as a substitute for their god's flesh, and you think they must be pretty dumb, you point out how weird it is that they do that. Don't call them an idiot for doing it. Just tell them what they're doing is strange. If you've been doing that ever since you were a child, simply because mummy and daddy did it, you won't even realise that what you're doing is abnormal. You have no objective viewpoint. Give them a little perspective, and it might send them down the road to realising how truly weird their religion is. Tell them they're stupid for doing it, and they'll get defensive and cling all the harder to their religion

James's picture
I dont believe showing what

I dont believe showing what is written on the bible or the quran to religious people is insulting, if they agree that these are holy books filled with love and goodness is because they do not take the time to read it. I think this kind of images actually help them think and stop acting like sheeps.

Shawn W. Nippard's picture
I agree...except the part

I agree...except the part where you say that "We are the only ones who don't (believe) in any god at all!" Saying that atheists don't believe in any god is still a belief system! I am 100% atheist & I say atheists don't have a belief system! We must not give the religious folk fuel for their delusion! I (like the real science community) accept science (evolution) as fact...backed by mountains of evidence...ongoing discoveries...observation...experimentation & rational sensibility! I mean the law doesn't put criminals in prison because they believe he or she committed the crime...they let the evidence talk! Same goes for science!(evolution) Do we know what started the big bang? No...but (scientists ...cosmologists ...astronomers etc etc) are working on it! They have a theory...& as we all know...theories are based on evidence! Just throwing that out there! Hope I wasn't being to forward! Peace to the human race!

Walker's picture
It's funny though that

It's funny though that finding out if any of the things that religion says are true will only be possible when we die.

Matty Arnold's picture
Exactly Walker! How

Exactly Walker! How convenient that you can only find out if religion has been right once you can't tell anybody. Religion may not be correct, but it is a genius idea.

Shawn, I think we have to be careful to distinguish between the terms 'belief' and 'faith'. I think you can still say you believe in something because there is evidence for it, though you couldn't claim to have faith in it. Whereas faith is unsubstantiated, you can have perfectly valid reasons for a belief. For example, I believe that the Earth orbits the Sun. I have to agree though that many people do consider belief and faith interchangeable, so it may be worth changing our wording anyway.

Henry Plantagenet's picture
I see no reason to show

I see no reason to show respect for religion -- it is rooted in delusion, betokening the most serious form of mental illness, or else dishonesty. I think atheists should take the position of Henry the Fifth: we would not seek a battle as we are, but as we are we say we will not shun it. Don't go out of your way to annoy people -- leave that to the Christians -- but don't back down from a fight either, because we're right and they're wrong. Find middle ground if you can, but for those "assholes" who refuse to acknowledge the possibility of a middle ground, it's war to the knife. But that's just me.

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