Creation (2009)


Creation revolves around English naturalist Charles Darwin’s struggle in finding a balance between his path breaking theories on evolution and his relationship with his religious wife, whose devout faith is in constant contradiction with his work.

The plot of the film reveals how Darwin is a deeply emotional man, very dedicated to his wife and children. He shares with his eldest daughter his knowledge of evolution and stories of travel. Darwin is left furious when he discovers that the family clergyman punished his daughter for contradicting the church’s idea about dinosaurs. He however continues to work on his manuscript about the theory of evolution with encouragement from his daughter, but there are some delays in his progress due to the strained relationship with his religious wife, who believes Darwin’s work will keep him from entering heaven and separate them for eternity. His daughter eventually dies and this incident affects Darwin in more ways than one - strengthening his idea of evolution and weakening his idea of divine intervention.

With some opposition from loved ones and a lot of support from his colleagues, Darwin manages to complete The Origin of Species. Finally, his wife approves of his work and forwards it for being published; she refers to herself as an accomplice in his crime and hopes that god will forgive them both.

Creation is the story of Charles Darwin and his masterwork The Origin of Species – it tells the tales of a global revolution playing out within the confines of an isolated English village and a passionate marriage being torn apart by a rather blasphemous idea. Watch the film to know what happens when a world-famous scientist, crushed by the sudden death of his daughter, formulates a theory that opposes all religious beliefs.


Creation (2009)

Creation revolves around English naturalist Charles Darwin’s struggle in finding a balance between his path breaking theories on evolution and his relationship with his religious wife

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