The God Argument: The Case against Religion and for Humanism

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The God Argument: The Case against Religion and for Humanism
The God Argument

The God Argument: The Case against Religion and for Humanism

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The debate between proponents of rational thought and defenders of "intelligent design" has been getting more furious in recent years.

Is it even possible for all these arguments to be stated clearly and fully so that the magnitude of what is at stake could be fully established? Religion is viewed as a foundation of morality, which means that an alternative should be proposed. Is there a code of life for proponents of rational thought who want to be kind, contributing members of society that would not interfere with the believer's right to freedom of expression and to his own beliefs?

In The God Argument, Anthony Grayling calmly tackles such questions and offers a thorough examination of the arguments as well as the associated considerations. He does so with full awareness of the reasons that people flock to religion and the needs satisfied by such. The author also explores the humanist outlook that is recommended to be the "ethics code" that would guide the actions of a non-believer. The solutions proposed in the book carry great weight because all sides, all issues and all facets are taken into account.

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Zaphod's picture
Writing this book must have
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm really interested in
Zaphod's picture
So would I be, I find it
firebolt's picture
Sammy's right, we all have a
Zaphod's picture
Hmm, I think social
mattyn's picture
Social networking definitely
efpierce's picture
I haven't heard of this one

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