Satan's Little Helpers

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solidzaku's picture
Satan's Little Helpers

If there's one thing I've noticed amongst atheists is that we can have a pretty good sense of humor about everything. Take Penn Gilette, George Carlin, Tim Minchin, etc. Those of us less talented find our ways, but one of the most prominent I've seen is poking fun at superstitious thinking in the form of the images we use. I've counted more than a dozen 'devils' among regular posters here, and I can't think of a single prominent atheist Youtuber who hasn't amusingly referred to (or deferred to, depending on the joke) Satan. I find it as funny as the rest of us, but are we hurting the cause in doing so?

I know a lot of firmly devout people who are paranoiacally averse to Satanic/demonic imagery and symbology. Take, as a popular example, the lunatic who sees '666' in the Monster Energy Drinks logo. These people also tend to be rather vocal, and work to indoctrinate others, especially the young, into fearing these same things. In my own childhood, I remember the classically 'Demonic' images as being presented in a way that was a clear, present, and fatal danger to myself and others. For people who don't have as much of an ability to distance themselves from this kind of dogmatism, what are they to think when they see people with smiling faces, genuine camaraderie...and horns/tails/pitchforks, etc? I would think, to them, it would be like that last scene in Rosemary's Baby.

I'm not trying to be a stick in the mud about any of this. As I said, I laugh when I see things like the 'Portuguese skeleton bike' (Youtube that for a real laugh) and South Park, and so on. But I'm also trying to help people understand that there is such a thing as 'good people without God'. A big problem is that religion has taken the 'nuclear option' in planting a cognitive bias in people that anything good an atheist does or experiences is only that way thanks to the Devil. Should something be changed about any of this, or am I making a Bald Mountain out of a pointed molehill?

TL;DR: Should we stop using demonic imagery?

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"TL;DR: Should we stop using
Sir Random's picture
Still changes nothing. In the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"His biggest and oldest trick
nekoburo's picture
Instead of looking at the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yep, the devil is a better
chimp3's picture
The Satanic Temple has been
solidzaku's picture
I really want to spend time
Sir Random's picture
Jstone has been blocked for

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