The problem with "faith"

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Sir Random's picture
The problem with "faith"

I have recently found, through a conversation with a freind of mine, that the excuse for a theists faith is largely circular. For instance, if you ask a Christian why they have faith, they tend to give the answer "because I trust the Bible". When asked why they trust the Bible, the response is " because it's gods words". Asking why thy trust gods words, they say "because I trust god.". Then, when asked why they trust God, they say " because of my faith". The cause(a) causes effect(b) which causes effect (c) which is the cause of cause(a), rendering this not only a circular argument, but rendering the cause it's own effect as well.

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Sir Random's picture
Is no one fing to say
Nutmeg's picture
There's no logic involved in
Sir Random's picture
I understand that. I was
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
The Random One circular
Sir Random's picture
Jeff, we need you at jstones
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
He is a troll, best way to
Sir Random's picture
I'm just doing it for
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
At least he looked like a
Sir Random's picture
He seems to have cut and run.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yep seems so.
Sir Random's picture
As much as I would like to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Jstone again stop making

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