CREATION is the conclusion that the appearing of living things, each uniquely different, can only be explained by the existence of Almighty God Jehovah who designed and made the universe and all the basic kinds of life on the earth just as they are—with the ability for each "kind" of creature to produce variations of itself, up to a set point. The scientific evidence supports creationism. (Source: LIFE--How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? Pages 10-11)
ORGANIC/BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION THEORY is chained to abiogenesis theory (the belief that organic life resulted from non-life spontaneously). Charles Darwin’s Macroevolution theory is based on the unproven claim that every organic being that ever inhabited Earth came from a single common ancestor.
When asked how organic life came from non-life by itself (abiogenesis), atheists have no credible answer. So they try to bypass that critical step by claiming evolution has nothing to do with how the "common ancestor" came to life. If they show up in this thread, you will see them doing what amounts to the usual song and dance along that line.
QUESTION #1. Just like Charles Darwin, the modern-day evolution scientific community asserts that every single organic being that has ever existed came from one single common ancestor (macroevolution). If that is the case, why is there no evidence within the fossils record that supports macroevolution?
QUESTION #2. The premise of biological/organic evolution is the "survival of the fittest," that older versions of a creature disappear whenever a more advanced version evolves. The claim by evolutionists is that humans evolved from apes. In that case, why is it that apes continue to exist along with humans?
QUESTION #3. How did the supposed common ancestor come to life by itself (abiogenesis) so that evolution could then proceed?
"That people may know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you alone are the Most High over all the earth." ~ Psalms 83:18
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