communist atheists?

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RANJEET's picture
communist atheists?

I never understand this why communists says that they are atheists. Are they really Atheist cause here in India they only claim that they are atheists but they attend every religious functions, festivals. So can anyone help me and explain the connection between Communism and Atheisme

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mickron88's picture
you know atheist can still

you know atheist can still celebrate any religious gathering.. like Christmases, Easter, all souls day etc.
it doesn't affect on what atheist view point..we all love parties, going out, meeting people, being with families and friends..
it won't change anything.

like matt dillahunty said to his show, "i let my son wear spiderman suit but it doesn't mean that i believe that there's spiderman"

it depends on how you see it, some of our traditions here in the Philippines are really hard to not celebrate. like festivals (fiesta)
i love to eat you know....

RANJEET's picture
I understand your point but

I understand your point but here if anyone says that he or she is Atheist people think that he or she is communist. I don't why they assume that every Atheist is communist. That's why I want to know what is Atheist views on communist atheists and why communists are atheists?

ZeffD's picture
Communism is a political

Communism is a political ideology.

Ideologues will use religion to further their aims if they can. For example Hitler was a Roman Catholic but wasn't motivated by religion or atheism. He was motivated by racist opinions and national socialist ideology. He was also motivated by the injustices Germany suffered during and after WW1. The 'stab in the back' theory that Jews and other internal traitors undermined the Kaiser's Germany also influenced him.

If the ideologues are opposed by organised religion they will reject it (and so be 'atheist'). An example of that is the Red Communism of the Russian Revolution (1917). At that time the Russian Orthadox Church firmly identified with the Tzar's (Nicholas) regime.

In North Eastern India today Maoist rebels cause problems and potentially some political instability. Some of them may think their "red" communism requires atheism, but they aren't motivated by religion/atheism. Their motivations are ideology and perceived injustices.

ZeffD's picture
To be clear, I think the

To be clear, I think the "they" in "I don't why they assume that every Atheist is communist." refers to people in India. The problem there is simple ignorance. Most people in the UK, Ireland, France, Holland and most of Europe, for example, do not even think of ideology (communist or otherwise) in connection with atheism. Many USAmerican religionists seem to think atheism is a 'belief system' or an ideology, but that too is ignorance.

chimp3's picture
Communism is so passe'!

Communism is so passe'!

Cognostic's picture
Communism is traditionally

Communism is traditionally against religions. That makes them anti-theistic but not necessarily atheistic. Some Communist leaders are Gods themselves. Mao, Pol-pot, Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-il and others were actually Gods themselves. Mao is still worshiped on every street corner in China. His little red book is a staple for every Chinese person. I bought a copy in English myself.

Cognostic's picture
There is no connection

There is no connection between communism and atheism. Communism is an economic system. Atheism is non-belief in God. Traditionally communists have had a problem with religion as the Communist party does not want competition when it comes to ruling the masses. Religion is viewed as anti-government. There is no contradiction with the idea of a communist Christian or a communist Atheist.

Nourr's picture
True communism requires being

True communism requires being an atheist. I used to hint that to my philosophy teacher at school who was communist. Karl Marx was atheist and so are his ideas. Although now some new communists are appearing who are not atheists which is contradictory and full bullshit because atheism is one of the bases of communism.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Gigaguy - True communism

Gigaguy - True communism requires being an atheist.

No true Scotsman.

algebe's picture

Karl Marx understood that people that people suffering dire conditions might need religion to ease their pain. "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."

But he also thought that religion was a poor substitute for efforts to improve conditions in the real world. Like opium, it takes away your pain, but it also robs you of the will and energy to make things better. Another reason for destroying religion was the fact that religions have generally sided with tyrants and helped them to maintain their hold over the people. As Napoleon said, religion is great stuff for keeping the common folk quiet. A third reason is that religion is a rival to the "Big Brother" religions like Stalinism, Maoism, and Kimism.

Tragically, the economic and political system that he and Engels created unleashed even greater tyranny and suffering on the people of Russia, China, North Korea, etc., than the old tyrant+religion structures that they replaced.

If human well-being can be measured in terms of indicators like life expectancy, health, housing conditions, and literacy, the system that has produced the most dramatic improvements is capitalism.

MCDennis's picture
I am an independent

I am an independent

ZeffD's picture

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has compared Vladimir Lenin to a saint and declared that Soviet communist ideas come from the Bible." Source:
Though it has to be admitted that Putin is even more ignorant and slow-witted than Trump!

Clearly though, there are plenty of Christian communists, or with communist or Maxist leanings. Even one Christian I know compared Christianity to communism and so did the Pope...
Pope Francis: “It it has been said many times and my response has always been that, if anything, it is the communists who think like Christians. Christ spoke of a society where the poor, the weak and the marginalized have the right to decide. Not demagogues, not Barabbas, but the people, the poor, whether they have faith in a transcendent God or not. It is they who must help to achieve equality and freedom". (Source: Reddit)

It is no wonder some religionists can't tell the difference between people who don't believe their god exists and people who reject capitalism and western democracy in favour of some sort of communism, such as Red Communism. They are superstitious and muddle-headed about so much.

RANJEET's picture
that's something new it looks

that's something new it looks like I have to read it thanks for providing that information ZeffD. :)

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