Atheists who believe in some supernatural concepts. Help me out here.

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Dale Floyd French's picture
Atheists who believe in some supernatural concepts. Help me out here.

Okay, don't attack me here. I am an intellectual atheist which, by definition, means I do not believe in any gods. However, and I realize I'm probably in the minority here, I do actually believe in certain, very specific concepts which could only be interpreted as "supernatural." So what exactly does that make me, were I required to be categorized? The definition of atheism, according to dictionaries, simply means a "lack of belief in deities," which does describe me, since I don't believe any of them exist or ever have existed. And though I do, by all means, believe very strongly in scientific principles and a need for proof when required, I still, due to my own personal experiences, have come to believe in a few concepts that fall somewhere between "New Age" and "Buddhist" philosophies, yet still fit perfectly into neither category. Am I in the minority by saying that I'm an atheist who loathes religion yet claims to believe in certain supernatural concepts regardless? Be nice; I'm sensitive, even online. :)

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Phil Fieldhouse's picture
I agree with you entirely and
DarkLight's picture
If you believe in the
Zaphod's picture
I don't believe in God but if
Uniquecoolusername's picture
I'm say you don
Orlando Harper's picture
Believing in the supernatural
Sheldon's picture
"Supernatural could mean any
Bill LaRue's picture
I personally believe that
Rob's picture
I find this one to be very
Zaphod's picture
Yes, I agree with Rob here!
Dale Floyd French's picture
Nevermind. I knew this would
Zaphod's picture
Hey Dale, come now, don't
Canfam8's picture
I am an atheist and I've had
Sheldon's picture
"Why is a lack of belief in a
Walker's picture
I think that is you come to a
SevenJax's picture
Although gods are a subset of
The Profit Ezekiel's picture
I'd agree with SevenJax here.
Zaphod's picture
Good point Profit, I guess if
Walker's picture
I just experienced a very
Zaphod's picture
If you don't want it called
Wayne Materi's picture
Condensation produces a very
Kay Dee's picture
Well another one that I think
cmallen's picture
Hello. To which questions
WilfDisney's picture
To reject a belief in the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
One point to make here:
Lauren Naylor's picture
I appreciate that this is an
Vincent Paul Tran's picture
I've played with magick and
Kataclismic's picture
The human mind is prone to
mikeparks's picture
I find myself in this same
Nyarlathotep's picture
1) They say the already knew,
mikeparks's picture
Thanks for your response.


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