I've been an atheist my entire adult life. When dating, I didn't seek out other atheists, just women who were intelligent and held similar interests. Although religion and religious thought are not a part of my life, I have never been dismissive of anyone that needs to cling to such ideals. When I dated my wife, I knew that she was raised Lutheran, but wasn't really practicing. I found that to be the case with may women I dated over the years. As we dated further it was obvious her ideas on life were extremely similar to mine. We married at our state capital, in the supreme court. we raised our kids, and showed them how to live by our example. It was non-religious in practice and never created any problems. We celebrated holidays as people do, with the exclusion of religious practices. My kids are open-minded individuals who come to their own philosophies on life for themselves. My wife and I have been happily married with fine careers and live in a non-religious lifestyle. We don't focus on being 'atheists', but we are. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Life is too short to worry about praise or punishment from an ethereal boogeyman that may or may not exist. (Yes, I would like to remain anonymous, thank you).
- Bruce Cashman