This isn't exactly a testimonial for me. I never really believed in Christianity. Even when I was a child I felt that god wasn't real and it took me until my adulthood to really understand that people actually take their religion seriously. So I guess my testimony is about witnessing the extreme power religion can have over other peoples' minds. I know this sounds dumb, but I really thought that others didn't believe what the priest/pastors were selling them either. My dad taught me about the bible when I was little, but I never actually took it as fact. My parents never pushed it on me and now that I've asked them about it turns out they don't believe it either.
So I'm here because of my boyfriend. He is the reason that I've learned how serious Christians can actually be. He's read the christian bible cover to cover (or so he says) and he really believes it. He considers himself a "man of the bible." He's a seven day Adventist, goes to church every Saturday, worships Friday nights, doesn't do shopping from Friday night to Saturday night or cleaning or homework. He thinks his religion is the ultimate truth. How did I get tangled up in this relationship? I was very VERY naive. I did not think our religious differences would matter I mean after all they never mattered with my friends (who I now refer to as chill christians- because they don't actually take the bible literally and haven't actually read most of it). So now I am in a very serious relationship with someone I love very dearly. Long story short, he kept wanting me to go to church with him and study the bible with him. So I decided to study the bible on my own and I a m completely disgusted with it. It's horrible! God is a controlling, homophobic, genocidal, pathological destructive, contradicting dictator and he's the worst kind because you can't die and escape his rule! Anyways my boyfriend really wants to have children and take them to church. After reading what I've read I can NOT teach this stuff to my children. What I really wanted to do was get him to open his eyes but for every contradiction or absurdity I find in the bible he makes an excuse for. I see myself loosing this battle very quickly. Oh, he also agreed to study evolution with me if I study the bible with him (and this book called the great controversy which is basically a catholic basher). So I got evolution for dummies for him to read and I'm taking it back to where it all started by reading Darwin's origin of species. So anyone got any tips for an athiest in love with an extreme bible thumping christian and trying to make him see "the light"?
- Heather