
Indian High Court Bows to Islam: Judge Denies Interfaith Marriage

A High Court in India rejected a plea for protection filed by a Hindu-Muslim couple, citing that their marriage is invalid as per Muslim Personal Law, which governs all Muslims in India in several aspects, such as marriage and divorce.

Oklahoma Faces Intense Backlash Over State-Sponsored Religious School!

After Oklahoma voted to establish the first-ever state-sponsored, virtual religious charter school in the United States last June, several civil rights groups have moved to oppose state funding for the institution, setting a fierce debate on religious liberties in public education.

United Against Love: Indian Religious Leaders Unite Against Gay Marriage

In a rare display of unity amongst India’s major religions, leaders from the country’s Muslim, Christian, Sikh, and Jain communities join hands with Hindu nationalist groups in opposing calls to recognize same-sex marriage in the country.

This move comes as India’s Supreme Court hears petitions filed by various LGBTQIA+ organizations in the country, pleading to legalize same-sex marriage. These petitions were filed around five years after a landmark case in 2018 that decriminalized homosexuality in India.

Tech Industry or Caste System? Legal Case Sheds Light on Discrimination

Almost three years after a Dalit engineer in California filed a case against Cisco and his two supervisors for caste discrimination, the state’s Civil Rights Department voluntarily dismissed the case against the two Cisco engineers but decided to keep the lawsuit against the tech giant.

Free Speech Threatened? Woman Who Insulted French President Faces Trial

A French woman from Saint-Omer in northern France was charged for allegedly insulting French President Emmanuel Macron on social media, describing him as a “piece of filth.”

Indian Judge: Ceasing Cow Slaughter Will End All Woes Because Cow is Mother

Cows give birth to religion, and stopping cow slaughter will solve all the problems in the world, said a district court in India.
