Britain: The ‘Western Capital’ for Sharia Law Courts

The first Sharia court was established in the United Kingdom in 1982. Today, around 85 Islamic councils operate in the country, making it the “Western capital” of Sharia courts. 

These religious bodies are becoming increasingly influential, drawing in Muslims from Europe and North America to seek religious rulings on personal and family matters, such as marriage and divorce. 

The councils typically consist of panels of Islamic religious scholars, primarily men, who serve as informal bodies issuing rulings on matters such as marriage and divorce. Approximately 100,000 Islamic marriages have been conducted in the UK, with many not officially registered with civil authorities.

These marriages require religious rulings for dissolution, particularly affecting Muslim women who must seek approval from Sharia councils before they can proceed with divorce. These councils have the religious authority to end marriages at the wife’s request if her husband is unwilling to grant a divorce, although this process differs significantly from civil proceedings.

In contrast, Muslim men seeking divorce can easily end their marriage through the controversial practice of triple talaq by simply saying the Arabic word for divorce (talaq) three times.

Polygamy has also been normalized through modern technology, where an app allows Muslim men in England and Wales to create Islamic wills. It even features a drop-down menu, enabling men to specify between one and four wives. 

The same app demonstrates further gender disparities between Muslim men and women, allocating daughters half the inheritance amount given to sons. 

The National Secular Society (NSS) has raised significant concerns about these parallel legal systems in the United Kingdom.

Stephen Evans, the organization’s chief executive, warned that these councils "undermine the principle of one law for all" and negatively impact the rights of women and children.

"It should be remembered that Sharia councils only exist because Muslim women need them to obtain a religious divorce. Muslim men do not need them because they can unilaterally divorce their wives," Evans stated.

Women have reported multiple instances of religious texts being used to control them, with some men quoting Hadiths to insist women must agree to sexual relations. One woman described her distress when an elder suggested she enter a religiously sanctioned "pleasure marriage."

The British government maintained a clear position on the role of Sharia law in the United Kingdom. A spokesperson said, "Sharia law does not form any part of the law in England and Wales.

The spokesperson also emphasized the importance of legally recognized marriages, noting they provide essential "protections, security, and support" for couples in the United Kingdom.

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