Changes In Religiosity Among 39 countries (2005 - 2012)

(Rank order by 2012, High to Low)
2005 2012 % point change in Religiosity
Global Average 77% 68% -9%
Ghana 96% 96% 0%
Nigeria 94% 93% -1%
Macedonia 85% 90% 5%
Romania 85% 89% 4%
Kenya 89% 88% -1%
Peru 84% 86% 2%
Pakistan 78% 84% 6%
Moldova 78% 83% 5%
Colombia 83% 83% 0%
Cameroon 86% 82% -4%
Malaysia 77% 81% 4%
India 87% 81% -6%
Poland 85% 81% -4%
Serbia 72% 77% 5%
Italy 72% 73% 1%
Argentina 80% 72% -8%
Ukraine 70% 71% 1%
Ecuador 85% 70% -15%
Lithuania 75% 69% -6%
Bosnia and Herzegovina 74% 67% -7%
South Africa 83% 64% -19%
United States 73% 60% -13%
Bulgaria 63% 59% -4%
Iceland 74% 57% -17%
Russian Federation 57% 55% -2%
Finland 51% 53% 2%
Korea, Rep (South) 58% 52% -6%
Spain 55% 52% -3%
Germany 60% 51% -9%
Switzerland 71% 50% -21%
Canada 58% 46% -12%
Netherlands 42% 43% 1%
Austria 52% 42% -10%
Hong Kong - - -
France 58% 37% -21%
Vietnam 53% 30% -23%
Turkey - - -
Czech Republic 22% 20% -2%
Japan 17% 16% -1%

Note on Turkey and Hong Kong: Both Turkey and Hong Kong show notable change since 2005. These changes are not from a faith to atheism but a shift from self- description of being ‘Religious’ to ‘Not Religious’.

Source: WIN-Gallup International

SammyShazaam's picture
I'm having a hard time

I'm having a hard time interpreting this chart. This chart is just tracking the change in religiosity in general, but is this for people changing to be more religious, people changing religions, or people dropping religion entirely?

Walker's picture
I think it doesnt feature

I think it doesnt feature entire drops of faith and religion, just changes in religions.

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