United States

American ISIS Fighter Raps About Killing Catholics

Federal prosecutors in the United States unsealed a complaint against a naturalized American citizen born in Somalia charged with joining a terrorist organization and providing it with material support, including rapping about flying to “shoot New York up.

What in the World is going on with the “Jewish Tunnels?”

A Chabad-Lubavitch synagogue in New York City has become the center of controversy after an underground tunnel was discovered by city officials and Chabad leaders, reviving old antisemitic tropes and even causing a commotion between city authorities and worshippers who supported the tunnel’s construction.

Disgusting: US Imam Sobs with Jealousy Over Not Being “Martyred” in Gaza

An imam in California broke down into tears during a Friday sermon last month, asking what have they done wrong and why they did not become martyrs for Allah just like those in Gaza, adding that Allah chooses Palestinians and that the Children of Israel have a long history of cowardice, wickedness, and murder.

Menorahs Vandalized Across the United States

Jewish communities worldwide celebrated Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights, from December 7 to 15. Several Jewish leaders and organizations set up menorahs to commemorate the event.

American Ex-Muslim Teen Assaulted by Family for Becoming Christian

Authorities in Nashville, Tennessee, arrested a mother, father, and son for assaulting a teenage boy for becoming a Christian after officers conducted a welfare check on the juvenile.


Alarming Poll Reveals Rising Holocaust Denial Among American Youth

New polling data published by YouGov and the Economist on December 7th revealed a shocking discovery: More and more young Americans believe that the Holocaust of the Jewish people perpetrated by Nazi Germany during the Second World War is a myth.
