
Alarming: German Muslim Students Favor Sharia Over Country's Own Laws

A shocking new study in Germany determined that many schoolchildren are converting to Islam in German schools because many Christian students feel like outsiders and are desperate to try and fit in.

Only 1 in 4 British Muslims Agree Hamas Committed Atrocities

A shocking new poll discovered that almost a third of Muslims in the United Kingdom hold a positive view of Hamas and want Sharia law to be implemented in the country within the next 20 years.

Alarming Poll Reveals Rising Holocaust Denial Among American Youth

New polling data published by YouGov and the Economist on December 7th revealed a shocking discovery: More and more young Americans believe that the Holocaust of the Jewish people perpetrated by Nazi Germany during the Second World War is a myth.

Hidden Crisis in China: Why Are the Uyghurs Drawing Xi Jinping's Attention?

Chinese President Xi Jinping made a surprise visit to Xinjiang, where he urged officials in the region to conserve the “hard-won social stability” that it is enjoying and deepen efforts to control “illegal religious activities” in Xinjiang.

The Explosive Rise of Ex-Muslims in India!

The number of ex-Muslims worldwide is growing continuously, and India, where Muslims comprise a significant minority, is no exception. With the help of the Internet, ex-Muslims in India and elsewhere are finding ways to share their thoughts and connect while retaining their anonymity.

Unseen Unity: US Majority Oppose Religious-Based LGBT Discrimination

A new, eye-opening study revealed that the majorities of Americans across different ethnic, religious, and political lines oppose religious-based discrimination against members of the LGBTQIA+ community, which came at a time when Christian conservatives have introduced over 400 anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation in different state legislatures nationwide.

Spiritual U-Turn: Are Youth in the Middle East Embracing Religion Again?

While countries such as the United States are seeing a decline in religiosity and certainty about belief in God, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is seeing a significant resurgence in religiosity, particularly among the country’s youth.

That’s according to the new results of the Arab Barometer’s seventh wave of surveys, conducted between 2021 and 2022. These surveys by the nonprofit research network aimed to get a view of rates of religious observance among those living in the Arab world.

New Report Reveals the Declining Role of Religion in American Society

A new report from a non-profit and non-partisan research center reveals that fewer Americans see religion's importance in their lives than a decade ago, showing how the religious landscape in the United States has changed dramatically.
